No plastic bags here in this home. Just kidding, it’s hard to avoid plastic bags when you shop. We do try our best to remember to bring cloth bags when we go to stores, but it doesn’t always happen. Even though we don’t always remember to use cloth bags, we do like to keep a nice variety in our home and car for shopping and everyday use. I think I might be more likely to remember a cloth bag if it has a cute picture or quote on it. That’s why I made myself a new bag. I just ironed on the printable I made onto a pre made cloth bag, and I’m done. I love this thing and have already brought it out to our local farmer’s market. If you’d like to make you’re own, I provided the printable for you to use for free! Check out the directions below for my cloth bag DIY and free printable.
– Print out your “Not A Plastic Bag” printable on the iron on paper.

– Cut out the printable (leaving about a 1/4 space around the whole image).
– Use a lint roller or some tape to remove any fuzz from the cloth bag. You don’t want to see random dust bunnies or cat hairs hidden under the printable.
– Following the directions of your iron on paper, iron on the “Not A Plastic Bag” printable onto your cloth bag.
– Let the ironed on printable cool completely (a couple minutes). Carefully peel back the paper from the iron on.
– You’re done!

Head on out to the store or your local farmer’s market with your cute new cloth bag!
– Chelsey
P.S. Just a reminder that you are very welcome to use these printable for personal use. The printables cannot be adjusted or used for commercial use.