Hair Tutorial: Vintage Pinned Hair


Say Hello to my vintage pinned hair ::hi vintage pinned hairs::! This would be a sort of expanded version of my pinned back bangs I posted last week. This last Friday I needed a way to put up my hair, since it was POURING outside, and I was headed out to my friend’s house for a girls night! When I wear my hair down in the rain…. it’s a very scraggly mess.

I really think this hairstyle would look cute with any type of hair!



How to do it (You can follow the photos above… follow the arrows!):
– I recommend checking out my pinned back bangs tutorial… you’re pretty much doing the twist, push, and pin all over.
– Part your hairline off on the side (like mine).
– Grab a chunk of hair (on the side of the part with more hair), twist it… push it… pin it.
– Grab another chunk up hair on the other side of your hair… and do the twist/pin technique.
– Grab some hair behind your ear… and do the twist/pin technique. Repeat behind the other ear too.
– Gather up the top quarter of the back hair… twist it… push it up… pin it.
– Split the remainder of the hair on the back of your head into two sections. Roll up one side (the back of the curl will be towards the ground… check photo). And, do the same to the second section of hair.
– Now, here’s the part that’s hard to explain…. your going to grab a part of one curl and spread it out towards the ear… pin it… do the same for the other side. Pin back any fly aways. Pretty much your creating a larger bun out of the two curls… gives it more volume. 🙂
– Secure with some hair spray… and you’re done!
WELL… I hope that makes sense! It’s actually a VERY simple simple updo. A tip: I always use 2 bobby pins together for each pin… creating an “x”. It’s much more secure that way. One pin usually just slips out of my hair.
AS usual: I LOVE to hear if you try out my hair tutorials. Leave a link to your blog post in the comments below! Happy Monday everyone!

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Categories: hair

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Halloween

This weeks challenge: Favorite from October
The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty). A photo of your kid or pup dressed in their Halloween gear!

My example of “Favorite from October”:

Pretty much ALL the photos from the pumpkin patch are my fave. So cute!

  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges. 🙂
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

The Paper Mama

– Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

AND, the winner of the "Halloween" photo challenge is…

This weeks challenge was: Favorite from October

{Erika Ray Photography}
Congrats to the winner! Great job, and please feel free to grab the Fact: I’m Awesome button! Because You are awesome!!

The Paper Mama

{Hot Coffee Mama}


{L to the Third}

Congrats to my top 5 winners! If you’d like… you are more than welcome to grab a Top 5 Photo button below!

The Paper Mama


My favorites (in no particular order):

{My Stubborn Little Miss}
{Luvin’ Life}
{The Minivan Diaries}
{They Call Me Mama}
{Walk With Me}

If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama

 . 2010 winners . 2011 winners .

Favorite photo from October.

♡ Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized