Now accepting sponsors for January! Sale prices!

Hello friends! I’m now accepting sponsors for January! AND, I’m going to continue the awesome sale prices I had for November THROUGH December 31st! Woo hoo! Limited space! SO, email me if you’re interested! thepapermama {at} gmail {dot} com
20 Dollars – will get you 2 months of small ad space on my blog! (10 dollar savings)
40 Dollars – will get you 2 months worth of medium ad space on my blog! (10 dollar savings)
60 Dollars – will get you 2 months worth of large ad space on my blog! (10 dollar savings)
60 Dollars – will get you 3 months worth of medium ad space on my blog! (15 dollar savings)
80 Dollars – will get you 5 months worth of medium ad space on my blog! (45 dollar savings)
100 Dollars – will get you 3 months of the extra large ad space on my blog (for the months that aren’t reserved already)! (95 dollar savings)

ONE more thing. If you need a button I’m offering all sponsors a free button creation from me with the purchase of ad space! Yeah! I’ll just need a few of your favorite photos and I’ll throw something sweet together for you. <3

Check out my ad space page for any more information about my blog!

Oh, and my normal 20% off if linked to a handmade shop discount cannot be combined with this sale price. ๐Ÿ™‚ 


Categories: Uncategorized

Things I’m just lovin.

this food blog is pretty.
I can’t even… this makes me even MORE excited to go to Alt! FYI…. I’ve been in the same room as Seth Aaron 3 times… and, I’m too chicken to say “Hi!”… I’m a weirdo.
Thank you to you, you and yoooou for the donation to get me to Alt! Thank you!
Ok… this terrarium ornament is adorable.
I love this idea for DIY wall art. But, I would only have Oregon and Washington for mine. ๐Ÿ™‚
The last day to enter the RFRM giveaway is today. ๐Ÿ™‚
These little rocking seat/chair thingy’s are pretty amazing.
I’m curious to try out this recipe. My family and I have been eating vegetarian about 4 times a week. ๐Ÿ™‚
Is this thing real? If it is I wish I owned it… because peeling apples is not my favorite. AND, I’m making pie next week! ๐Ÿ˜€
I Knew I Needed Help When…. a postpartum post.
This could totally be a solution for our tiny home if we have a second child someday. 
And, I wish I knew how to do this… even with the tutorial I seem to fail at eye makeup. ๐Ÿ™‚
How about free polaroid frames for your blog?
And, you still have time to enter your photo into my Holiday Photo Challenge! Do it! 
<<< what are your favorite links this week? >>>


Categories: Uncategorized

50 DIY Days from Roofresh: Pinwheel Christmas Tree Topper

Day 38: I’m Kelsey and my little blog is Roofresh. I love crafting, especially with paper! I decided to do a DIY pinwheel tree topper because I like how versatile it is. You can make your tree whatever color-scheme you want and make a ton of little baby-sized pinwheels to set on the tree branches (which is great for little kids that have a hard time hanging ornaments). My favorite is using book pages for pinwheels, but I’ve done an assortment today that have a bit of a retro feel, because, why not?!
Start by picking some scrapbook paper that is double sided. I use 12×12 paper to make a nice big pinwheel that makes a statement, but obviously, choose whatever size you want. The 12×12 is nice because you don’t have to trim it down and mess with making a perfect square
Use a ruler and X-acto knife to cut diagonally down each corner towards the center. I cut six inches down for the 12×12, but you might need to practice the right cuts on a piece of paper that you don’t care very much about. I like using a grafted pad underneath so that I can line my ruler up with it and make sure that I have a straight line. 
Using a paper-hole punch or a book drill like the one shown, punch holes in the top corner of all four opposing corners and one in the middle.
Pull together all four corners towards the center to create the shape of the pinwheel.
Use a grommet to secure the center.
Use some craft wire to thread a button of your choice and twist the wire to keep the button in place. String the rest of the wire through the center of the grommet and thread only one piece of the wire through a pea-sized bead on the other side of the pinwheel. Tie both ends of the wire together on the back side of the bead. This is to make sure that the wire does not slide back through the grommet what the pinwheel is waiting to be hung. Make sure that you have enough slack on the wire to tie around the top branch of the tree. 
There you have it! A fun crafty tree-topper that you can make to your liking!


Thank you SO much to Kelsey from Roofresh! What a LOVELY guest post. Thank you for joining my 50 DIY Days of Christmas!

Categories: 50 DIY Days

The Paper Mama Holiday Photo Challenge! Extended!

Hello friends! So, the Holiday Photo Challenge was originally scheduled as Friday for the last day to enter your holiday photo. BUT, I’m a busy lady and I know more of you have some sweet photos to share with me… SO, I’m extending the final day to enter to Monday the 19th at 12pm Oregon time. ๐Ÿ˜€
Yay! You know what that means? More time for you to take a photo this weekend! Woo hoo! Have a fabulous Thursday and I’m looking forward to seeing you photos!


  • The photo can be edited to your hearts desire… but, there MUST be a photo.
  • You need to be the owner of this photo! AND, if you do any Photoshop work: it needs to be done by you.
  • A blog post (with a photo of your holiday card) will need to be linked to the linky on this post to be entered into the challenge. Please link directly to your Chrustmas Photo blog post URL. Please do not link to your facebook page. I usually can’t view those.
  • One entry per person. (if you mess up and link more than once: don’t worry. It’s ok. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • PG rated photos only please. 
  • I do have the right to delete or disqualify any entrant if I feel it doesn’t follow the rules.
  • You can link up your photo through December 13th, 2011 11:59 PM Pacific Time. 
  • Top 30 photos will be chosen by me, and then voted on by all of you. Then, myself and a couple of judges will pick the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners from the top 10 from the voting.
  • All blog post entries should link back to this Holiday Photo post. You can grab a button below. Thanks!  
Guess what: there are prizes for the winners! Yay! I’d like to thank the sponsors for donating! Thank you so much (First place winner picks a prize first, followed by second, followed by third place)!
– $50 shop credit to Gussy Sews shop.
– A Shine necklace from The Shine Project!
– $25 shop credit to Barely Measured.
– Beautiful Harper Wavy Shell Earrings from PoshLocket.
– $25 Shop credit to Pink Lemonade.
– $20 shop credit to The Paper Mama Shop.

The Paper Mama


Categories: Uncategorized

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: My little mustard girl.

{My little mustard girl. I love her so much. Say “Hello” to Ruari’s birthday party dress! Yup! She will be wearing this amazing/beautiful/cute little dress at her birthday party on Saturday! Mini-Boden was super sweet and sent this beautiful dress to Ruari for her birthday! I can’t even handle how cute she looks! They have the cutest girls clothing (and, even boys clothing).}
{I’m a little overwhelmed with how much I need to get done before her birthday party…. BUT, I know it will be lovely. And…. reality: regardless of how pretty her table set up is…. etc… Ruari will still love it! I can’t wait!}
{And, a little FYI: if you’re preggo and need some freakin’ adorable maternity wear… check out Boden! Just sayin’: i wish I had known about Boden when I was preggo!}
{Have you entered your Holiday photo into my Holiday Photo Challenge yet? You could win prizes! :D}

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia,And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}


Categories: Uncategorized