"Fave Photo" Challenge Winners

This weeks challenge was: Favorite Photo of December!

{Hot Coffee Mama}

Congrats to the winner! Great job, and please feel free to grab the Fact: I’m Awesome button! Because You are awesome!!

The Paper Mama

{Corey Moortgat}

{Theisen Trio}

{The Littlest Puddin}

{Nurse Loves Farmer}

Congrats to my top 5 winners! If you’d like… you are more than welcome to grab a Top 5 Photo button below!

The Paper Mama


My favorites (in no particular order):

{Life in Pajamas}
{Cositas Bellas}
{Point and Shoot}

{4 Lettre Words}
{Crazy Daisy Pictures}

If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama

 . 2010 winners . 2011 winners .


โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

My week.

We started off our Friday before Christmas right with some cereal and sunglasses… then, a trip to the zoo!!!
On Christmas Eve I wandered to Target (don’t know why… just felt like it) and found some amazing shoes for $15! Then, the family and I wandered to PF Changs for our annual Chinese food dinner. Check out Ruari’s fortune! Perfect for a toddler. 
We celebrated Christmas this week! Ruari had a fantastic day… I didn’t take photos, trying to live in the moment.:) I did take a photo of my iPad (and the iPad my husband made to trick me). Along with a photo of the t-shirt present I wrapped for my bro. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The day after Christmas we just hung around the house and Mike made some cookies and I finally put our gingerbread house together! Turns out I’m not that great at making a gingerbread houses…. ๐Ÿ˜‰

And, here are some links to love this week…

My favorite moment from Ruari this week: While making “coffee” with her tea set for Dada she says, “Pour coffeeeee, some sugar, mmmm and some butt cream.”Ha!

A sweet little idea for valentine’s gifts from your kiddos.

Yum. Yum Yum. I would love to have this on a plate in front of me. Right now.

Getting ready for Valentine’s with some cute cookies!

Are you out of mascara? Maybe this is why. Ha ha ha ha!

Thanks to you, you, and YOU for the wonderful donation to help me get to alt.

An adorable party idea for an 8-year-old girl.

A cute DIY. Stamped mustache tee

Putting away your wrapping paper for the season? I love this storage idea!!!!

Do you have a boy that loves trucks and such? This cake is PERFECT for his birthday!

Love this. Perfect for my camera. 

I was all… this outfit is adorable! Until I realized it costs around $4,000. Very pretty though.


Categories: Uncategorized

A Year on The Paper Mama blog

My friend Mandy did a Year in Haps over at her blog… And, that really made me want to go back and wander the last 12 months of this year…. It’s seriously fun to wander back and remember what-the-hey I’ve been up to. ๐Ÿ˜€ Say hello to A Year of The Paper Mama blog!
We started the new year with a one-year-old girl! <3 We watched her take her first step…. followed by walking! I wandered through my favorite photos from 2010 for Memories, Dreams and Reflections. I took some cute/gross photos of my baby girl’s runny nose. There are things I’ve said as a mom…. that I thought I’d never say. 

We had lots of fun with birthday parties and trying new foods… plus we used our new zoo pass! I turned 28 and bought myself a new lens with my birthday moolah! Heck yeah! I’m the best wife ever and made bacon hearts for our small budget Valentine’s dinner! I shared some photos of my shoulder tattoo. My Mr. turned 32. I tried out vlogging for the first time. AND, my favorite… we had the most random and beautiful snow day in February!  And, Ruari hung out with her Forced Best Friend.

I took some really sweet photos of Ruari in front of Toys ‘R Us. She just stood there and didn’t move! We had MORE birthday parties and a baby shower. I tried out my first hair tutorial and LOVED it. Some baby meltdowns were getting me down… AND, I talked about starting my surrogacy research.

I celebrated my one year blog anniversary for The Paper Mama blog! I tried out another hair style tutorial: Messy Side Pony. I asked for advice on how to raise an independent strong girl. MORE birthday parties… My child lost her mind and does some MAJOR babble talk in this 10-minute video I recorded. It’s hilarious. Ummm… I found 5 pairs of vintage shoes for $20! We had a little vacation with family in Bellingham. Happy Easter! And, an important woman in my life. Then, to end the month I met up with a bunch of beautiful bloggers to March for Babies in Washington. <3

Why not… I headed up to WA again for a little girls night out and I LOVED it. A LOT. And, we took the best photo ever… see below. I shared part deux of things I’ve said as a mom that I never thought I’d say. More zoo time! A welcome to baby Ayana. More birthdays. I had a much needed date night with hubby.

We got to know Jess from IROCKSOWHAT better in my Get to Know a Mama series. I started ANOTHER this before that list… and: I haven’t really finished much. I will do better this year! AND, I wandered up to WA again… for a playdate with my favorite bloggers. My kid was glued to me. I was working out and getting in shape! A hair tutorial and Happy father’s day to my hubs!

We got to know Mandy from A Sorta Fairytale better in my Get to Know a Mama series. Hubby made a delicious Potato Pizza and wanted to share the recipe with you! I have another tattoo. MORE birthdays. So, I tried out the No Heat Curl… and, I loved it. I tried to get a photo of my always-moving toddler. My grandpa passed away. Our yummy Jalapeno Popper Dip recipe. IT’S amazing. I tried out some Warby Parker’s. I planned my outfits and got ready to go to BlogHer ’11! I was finally comfortable enough to talk about my postpartum depression.

I started this month off right with a date night and a Wrap Around Side-Braid tutorial. I blab on and on about BlogHer here, here, and here. What would you say? My sister and her fiance visit from New Zealand! Happy 3 years to us! Hubby and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary! Super simple hair tutorial and owning your self portraits! I wandered up to WA AHgain and my Chihuahua is trying to kill himself. Uhh… in WA again to see family and Ruari makes a friend. Pretty hilarious photo collage if you ask me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

New blog design by, the amazing Don from Adeline’s Daddy! We had a sweet family picnic in the park. Get to know a Mama…. errr Dad! A Day to Night hair tutorial! Playing with a fan and my camera. 9 Years ago I met my husband. A little family vacay in Maupin, OR. If you haven’t met me in real life… this is the best way I can describe myself! We did it! We planned a successful PNW Blogger Meetup and I blogged about here, here, and here. The A to Z of me. The Knotted Sock No Heat Curl hair tutorial. I went thrifting. Again. The most delicious chocolate chip cookies EVAH.

A sweet and simple paper doily wreath for your home. Ugh… I tried timeout for the first time! I made a cute sewing kit in a jar for a gift! I went braid freakin’ crazy and shared a Braided Crown hair tutorial and a How to Braid Your Bangs video. ๐Ÿ˜€ Some scary ass shiz. We had the most adorable pumpkin patch trip ever! Talking about my withdrawal symptoms from my postpartum drugs. I made a sweet fox costume for Ruari! Fried chicken! AND, a very Happy Halloween!

This is the post where I put my fears and insecurities behind me and share my scars! Phew. ::wipes sweat off mah brow:: I started my 50 45 DIY Days of Christmas. I created a Vintage Pinned Hair tutorial. I LOVE wearing my hairs this way. I love this outfit! The Paper family’s Christmas card. Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m learning to step back… and breath. My little mustard girl. A VERY happy birthday to my baby girl! Ruari answers 20 questions. Love this sweet girl. Some 2nd birthday celebration! And, a VERY merry Christmas!

Hey! Did you do a blog year in review! Let me know in the comments below. ๐Ÿ˜€ My friend Jess also created one!


Categories: Uncategorized

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Christmas-timin’

We had the most amazing and lovely Christmas this year. It really just gets so exciting when your kid gets older and starts to understand the whole Christmas thing better. My favorite part of the day: just watching R have fun! Yup, that even beat getting an iPad for Christmas (sorta). So, normally I’m a picture crazy fool. But, for whatever reason this year (I think it’s because of my goal to BE in the moment… Not the photographer of the moment) I took no photos on Christmas day. This sort of bothers me…. But, I know I was having so much fun with my family… And, it’s ok. I don’t need the photos. My uncle had his camera out and documented the day. I just didn’t need to. Well, I did take one with my iPhone of my new pretty iPad. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The next day I took some photos of Miss R (on the 26th) playing with one of her favorite gifts from Christmas. This little puzzle/wooden train from her Auntie and Uncle. It’s pretty amazing. She actually will sit still and play with it happily for 20 minutes straight! Yes, I said 20 minutes straight! No kidding around her. How amazing is that?

 Did you have the most amazing Christmas ever? I hope you did (if that’s the holiday you celebrate)! <3 Happy Wednesday!

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia,And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}


Categories: Uncategorized

I have a kid.

I have a kid. Some of you may be like, “Umm… yeah, we already know that.” But, for whatever reason I just realized it tonight. Not a baby… not just a little toddler: a kid. A real human kid. 
I love babies. I love those squishy/smooshy sweet babies. BUT, they’re not kids. OMG. There was a moment tonight when Mike was helping Ruari brush her teeth that I truly understood I have a real kid. He spit out his toothpaste in the sink and Ruari said, “Spit too?” So, he picked her up and she spit in the sink. I’ve helped her do this before… but, I’ve never actually seen her do it. It was so real and amazing. Yup, spitting in the sink is amazing when you’re a mom. ๐Ÿ˜‰ And, I teared up. We created this little human. And, we’ve raised her. And, taught her how to eat/speak/spit/everything.
It’s just amazing. And, yeah… I’m about to get all mushy: I love that girl so much! And, I’m even saying this on one of the most meltdown-y days in her little history. WHOA man. Meltdown city. BUT, that doesn’t even matter. 
I love my little 2-year-old.


Categories: Uncategorized

Steppin Out: Christmas Eve Style

<< my style: //sweater vest: thrifted//blouse: thrifted//jeans: f21//shoes: very clearance Target// >>
Every Christmas Eve my family and I head out for Chinese food! This tradition started when I was 7-years-old. Forever we went to the same family owned Chinese restaurant where the very sweet owner new all our names and was so kind… and the food was delicious… BUT, I’m now 28 (getting close to 29) and she sold her place about 5 years ago. The food of the new place: not so good. SO, we moved on to going to PF Changs each Christmas Eve. We’ve done that the past 4 years now. Delicious. 
Check out the best fortune for a toddler ever! This little fortune was in Ruari’s cookie! Perfect. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Linking up with Mandy from Harper’s Happenings, The Pleated Poppy, and Beautiful Blendings.


Categories: family

Crafty Wonderland

While the fam and I are recovering from an amazing and lovely Christmas… I wanted to share a couple of handmade gifts I bought for Christmas this year. In Portland we have a pretty large handmade show, Crafty Wonderland. It’s the perfect spot for me to get my crafty fix and support handmade. Buy handmade. This year I purchased 4 things from Crafty for presents…. ok, one was a gift for me… BUT, here they are… I wanted to show these creative people some love.

The very lovely Emily Martin from The Black Apple. One of my favorite artists. I will have to admit… I freaked out just a tiny bit maybe a lot (please note: all freak-outs were hidden inside myself of course…. unless there was a ::snort:: or something that squeaked out… I can’t be too sure.). ANYway… she was there. I was VERY excited. TOO shy to ask her to sign the print I bought… but, I did ask her for a photo for my blog. So lovely you guys. A goal of mine: to someday own one of her handmade dolls… they always sell out before I can get my hands on one! Someday….. Please give her a visit. She’s so lovely.

Ok… So, this was a sortof newly discovered artist. Nicole J. Georges. I’ve seen one of her prints around (the cutest kitty in a wig)… BUT, I never actually knew who the artist was AND, that she’s in Portland! She was so sweet and I was so in love with her original drawings on doily’s! I’ve said it before: Ruari loves doggies! So much. I bought this sweet piece to hang in my girl’s room. It’s a Christmas gift. I know she’ll love it! <3

NEXT… CHOCOLATE. Yup. DELICIOUS AMAZING CHOCOLATE! I bought Mike some yum yum yum brittle for his stocking from Rose City Sweets. It’s delicious. Here’s my plan: when Mike isn’t looking… I steal the brittle. I think that’s a great idea. And, I didn’t realize it until I got home… but, I’ve met this sweet lady before. At the Summit of Awesome… when R was just a wee babe. ๐Ÿ™‚

This lady, Laurie, had quite the booth! My mom said she’s seen her stuff before, but I had not. It was PACKED with people. She had all these lovely pieces that she crafted with vintage finds. So many wreaths… trees… my little bird above… all so sweet. I may need to buy one of her wreaths next year. ๐Ÿ™‚
I really hope you all had the most lovely and amazing holiday ever! I know I did. I’ll be sure to share to holiday photo love on Wednesday. For now… it’s family time. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Monday!


Categories: portland