Favorite Photo of 2011 winners




This weeks challenge was: Favorite Photos



Congrats to the winner! Great job, and please feel free to grab the Fact: I’m Awesome button! Because You are awesome!!

The Paper Mama




Congrats to my top 5 winners! If you’d like… you are more than welcome to grab a Top 5 Photo button below!

The Paper Mama

My favorites (in no particular order):

{One Beautiful Life}

{Buggie and Jellybean}

{Seven Millers}


{Nurse Loves Farmer}


If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama


โ™ก Chelsey

Freebie today!

Hellloooo! I needed to do a test post to see if it shows up in my RSS feed since I’m all moved to WordPress now… SO, why not share a freebie printable with you for my test post? Sure! I have printed and framed this in my bedroom. I Love Us.

I created it in 4 different colors for you to enjoy…. click on these links, right-click, and save. There you go! Blue, Mustard, Pink, and Brown. Each of these prints will printout to a lovely 8.5 by 11 size. Enjoy!

And, as you probably already know, these prints are for personal use only.

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Categories: Uncategorized

Things to LOVE this week

How’s ’bout another freebie print frrooooom me? Ok! It’s a lovely list! You can make it a to-do list! Or, a to-don’t list? Whatever you want list! Enjoy! I create many list’s all the time for everything I do. So, it’s nice to have a cute list! You can click here to view it and right-click to save.

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Hello to these sweet sweet sponsors. You, you, and you!


Hey Southern California bloggers! My friend Stephanie is putting on another inspensive ($5) blogger meetup. You should check it out and go!


Fun paper headdresses for your kiddo’s birthday party! Cool idea!


I’m loving this “fly away with me” themed brithday party.


Did you see that I’m changing my hair color? Yeah… I am. I’m nervous. Going brunette. Whaaaaaa? This Saturday.


I don’t know if I have the patience to create these…. BUT, I do love them. Ruffled Drapes. Cute.


I’m really digging this garage storage idea.


Not even kidding… I WILL figure out how to make this on my own. BOOKMARKED.


Cool temporary hair color bug thingys!


Ha ha ha ha! Ha.


FYI: I’m giving away $100 to spend at ModCloth here.


Didya see/notice my blog moved to wordpress? A lot of links aren’t working right now. BUT, I’ll get them working soooonish. Including getting all my old comments back up. Having some issues with that one.



Categories: Uncategorized

Movin’ and stuff.


Hi friends! Just wanted to give you all a little heads up…. I’ve been in the process of moving my blogger account to WordPress! SO, there will be some links that aren’t working just yet…. so, hang on and hopefully I can get it all fixed sooon! ๐Ÿ˜€ So nice to be moved. Thank you to Don from Adeline’s Daddy for the amazing help. He is very awesome.

– Chelsey


Categories: announcement

Planning my outfits for Alt!

I’ve been slowly gathering together the outfits/clothes/shoes that I want to bring to Alt Summit. And, I think I’m just about ready. BUT, I’m still having an issue with the shoes part of this whole trip… I’ve narrowed down my selection of shoes to 10 pairs. Ha! There are 3 pairs, just looking right now, that I think I can easily go without. BUT, goodness. I don’t know how I can cut down from there! (Yup, I has the shoe addiction problem. :D). ANYway.

For the outfits I’ve shopped my closet, thrift shops… and a little Forever 21 and Target. I didn’t spend much money AT all. Yay. ๐Ÿ˜€

Are you sick of hearing me blab on about Alt? Sorry… I’m just so so so excited. I leave Tuesday morning people!!!!! Wow. It’s like a second Christmas. I’m so excited.

BY the way. If you’re headed to Alt Design Crush made and shared a very perfect style/outfit list so you can plan out your Alt Summit outfits for the week! Yes! You can download it here


Categories: Uncategorized

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Packing Packing Packing! For Alt Summit!

{photo via}
SHhhhh… don’t tell anyone… but, I’m already packing/planning out what I’m bringing with me to Alt Summit (I leave on the 17th)! Yup. I hate getting somewhere and realizing I forgot something…. or, I don’t feel prepared. SO…. I thought I’d share my packing list with YOU. Just in case you need a little help deciding what you’ll need to pack to go to Alt… OR, any other blogging conference… Maybe this will help you pack?
I don’t claim to be a travel pro… BUT, I have traveled quite a bit in my time… (wandering 7 countries at age 17, Greece for my honeymoon, and many more “local-ish-USA” locations). Here are some goodies that I’ve just sort of learned I really need.

Outfit extras:
– Bra strap holder thingys. You know… those bra clasps that hold your bra straps in place so they don’t pop out of your shirt. ๐Ÿ™‚
For my tummy yummy yummy:
– Snacks. Lots of snacks. I like to pack these mini slim-jims (I know… super random. But, I gotta snap into a slim-jim sometimes!) and granola bars. I pretty much snack all day and I know that if I’m hungry… I’m not as sweet as I could be… maybe a wee-bit grumpy.
– Tea. I like a nice cup of earl grey tea for my morning caffeine. It’s something I do each morning: brew my tea. When I’m traveling I like to bring my own tea bags. It saves money (instead of spending $2 at Starbucks for each drink).
– Wine bottle opener. Yup. I now ALWAYS pack a wine bottle opener in my suitcase. Please view the video below as to why I now do this (BlogHer 2011 opening wine):

So, if you’re at Alt and need a bottle of wine opened… I’m your girl. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Let’s talk feet:
–  Little tiny square band-aids. These are ALWAYS so helpful while traveling. They are the perfect size for little blisters or sore spots. I always have in my purse.
– Moleskin: Yup. Another goody to save your feet. Every time I travel I cut up little pieces of moleskin to keep in my purse and use for little foot ouchie emergencies. ๐Ÿ™‚
– Wool socks: ok, this may only be something I’m packing for the cold Salt Lake City… BUT, I have never owned wool socks before. And, I can only assume that they will be nice to have when I wander the city on our Photo Walk on Wednesday. ๐Ÿ™‚
– Shoe cushions, like Dr. Scholls. Yup. Those will save your poor little feet!
Just the extras:
– Neosporin… good for ouchies while out and about.
– Advil. I mean really. Whether it’s the sore muscles… or, maybe too much wine? ๐Ÿ˜‰
– Emergen-c. I like this. A lot. I brought this with me to BlogHer and drank it every night before I went to bed (pretty much 1 am each night). And, I felt pretty good the next morning waking up at 6am – 7am.
– Tiny lint remover. You’ll need it.
– Safety pins. Umm… you’ll need it.
– Sewing kit… you may need it.
– I’m bringing 2 suitcases… HEE! So, I’m flying Southwest Airlines (free bag checks ::high fives::). What I learned from BlogHer: You sorta need that extra space. Whether you’re purchasing some goodies on a trip, or bringing home the items they hand out to you at a conference…. the extra space is lovely. 
So, those are my little randoms of packing! What do you ALWAYS pack when you’re headed out of town? Any tips?

p.s.s.s.s.s…. you still have time to enter my $100 Modcloth giveaway! Enjoy!

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia,And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}


Categories: travel

My hairs

I’m headed in this week (before Alt Summit) to get my hair colored…. My growout is pretty bad at the moment. My natural hair color is “dishwater blonde” as it’s called in the hair color books… Pretty much a very blah/ashy/dark blonde. And, I have been adding very light blonde highlights to my hair since I was 12. Yup. 12. My mom is a hair stylist and one day we just tried out hair color on me… and, we haven’t stopped since. 
In college (about 8 years ago) I got bold and dyed my hair red (with some blonde underneath). I liked it… BUT, I have a pretty pale complexion and I always joked I looked like a vampire. SO. I’m getting ready to head in to my hair appointment… AND, I’d like something new. I know I like getting my hair colored blonde. BUT, I always do that. I added pieces of bright red under my blonde hair this last fall and LOVED it. Not this time though. I’m thinking going a little more drastic. 
Just for fun I played around with coloring my hair in photoshop (as inspired by this post from the sweet Moorea Seal). Out of all… I’m considering the brown and ombre. Who knows… maybe I’ll chicken out and just go back to blonde. I don’t know. BUT, it is free. And, why not? Hmmm… 
What do you think?


Categories: about me