"Feet" Photo Challenge Winners

This weeks challenge was: Feet!



Congrats to the winner! Great job, and please feel free to grab the Fact: I’m Awesome button! Because You are awesome!!

The Paper Mama

Living On Our Love Song





Congrats to my top 5 winners! If you’d like… you are more than welcome to grab a Top 5 Photo button below!

The Paper Mama

My favorites (in no particular order):

{Life Wont Wait}


{Oh So Lovely}


{lyds was here}


Me and My Boys

If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama

 . 2010 winners . 2011 winners .

Favorite Photo of January


Links to love this week.

via Harpers Happenings

Remember my Paper Terrarium? Well, this lovely lady used my printout to create a mossy wreath! So cute you guys! PLUS… Mandy added her own fun addition to the terrarium. Cute!

I’m absolutely loving Lisa Congdon’s 365 days of Hand Lettering. 😀

Are you guys up for a challenge? Danielle has a week long clean eating challenge for you! I like it.

My dear friend is pregnant. Congrats!

So, I can only read bits and pieces of this (my Spanish is VERY rusty)… but, I get the idea and I think the photos are adorable! Cute idea for headbands for Ruari.

I met Uncle Beefy at Alt! I’m sad we didn’t get to chat more… but, I do enjoy his blog and I think you will too!

Thee most awesome and inexpensive DIY clock idea ever! So cool… you have to look!

I’m soooo excited to read more and follow Drea’s journey to a food truck! Very cool.

Do you have a boy? Well, Miss Mandey will be selling some adorable bow ties soon! Pre-order! Yeah handmade! ::high fives::

Stop working for free.

I knew I wasn’t the only one that loved washi tape! Cute way to wrap presents!

P.S. The last day to enter my $100 ModCloth giveaway is coming up! Enter soon. Oh, and: if you entered a couple weeks ago and don’t see your comment… no worries. I have all of them saved. I still cannot get my old comments back from my move to wordpress. :/ <— frustrated face.


Categories: Uncategorized

Day 2 of Alt Sessions

Last Friday at Alt.

Our second day of sessions and we start off with round tables. There were about 20 different tables all discussing different topics. Jess checked out the tax round table (FYI: I’m hiring an accountant this year) and I joined Kelly Keegan from Better Homes and Gardens. Some great info from that.

THEN we checked out our next session: Growing a Readership. I really enjoyed this as well. Plus, I loved everyone on that panel. Pretty much the key to growing a readership: good original content. Remember: it’s quality over quantity.

Next up was lunch where I shared a table with a lovely group of people. And, I was SO happy and excited to meet the adorable couple behind Ollibird. AND, Mike of Ollibird gave me a little artist trading card. I definitely plan on bringing a few of my own trading cards for next year.

Ok…. Following lunch was the keynote from Ben Silberman of Pinterest. He was by far the highlight of Alt. he is definitely one amazing guy. he was inspiring, humble, and a great speaker! He got a standing ovation. I will try and find the video of his keynote. It’s long…. But, oh man is it great. Pinterest has been a wonderful thing for the growth of my blog. I think it’s safe to say that 50% of my new readers find me through one of my items pinned on Pinterest. Still don’t know what Pinterest is? Then, you must be living under a rock… I kid. But, really. Hee hee. So, I nerded out when I was able to take a photo with Ben. See my totally geeked out smile? Yeeeah. Big moment for me. 🙂

And, our last session was about up and coming blogs. Picked by these ladies: (http://modernkiddo.com/, http://www.natthefatrat.com/, http://blackeiffel.blogspot.com/). There were a couple on that list I already read. Here’s the list if you want to check it out!

The final keynote for the summit was Gretchen Rubin of The Happiness Project. I had been to her session at BlogHer. She’s a pretty neat lady. I haven’t read her book, but, some people swear by it and find it so helpful.

This night was all about the mini-parties! All so much fun. Enjoy all our photobooth photos below… you know bloggers LOVE a good photobooth… (there were like 6 photobooths…. we only did 4… hee… BUT, some aren’t ready and I’ll share them next week).

We made it ‘home’ by 1… Asleep by 2. And, we wake up at 7! So tired…

I’ve gathered all of these photos from many different sources: my photos, SLC Photo Collective, Uppercase, Justin Hackworth, b.a.d. photography.

The next day at Alt: classes!

{Related posts: Day 1 Alt Design Summit, Alt Summit Begins!}

Alt Summit sessions begin!

Last Thursday at Alt.

My third day in Utah and the first day of sessions! So, in case you really don’t understand what Alt Summit is all about… My buddy Gabriel (from the Artful Desperado) summarizes the conference as this: Creative bloggers porn. Yup. That’s the perfect way to describe it.

9 am my roomies and i set out to the Grand hotel for the first day of sessions.

We started with The Business of Blogging. My first session would end up being my most favorite session. So much great info from some amazing bloggers (this was the panel:http://www.elizabethannedesigns.com/blog/, http://www.curbly.com/, http://www.thesweetestoccasion.com/ ). I learned so much and enjoyed every minute. Plus, I got to meet the man behind Curbly. Very neat. The biggest thing I took from this session: if you are serious about blogging, you should have your year for blogging planned out. Which, I have already started! I will definitely talk more about what I’ve learned and any tips… but, next week.

The next session was another lovely one: Work Life Balance (the panel: http://inchmark.squarespace.com/, http://chrysulawinegar.com/, http://www.snippetandink.com/http://sarahjanestudios.com/blog/ ). We all know that I need some major balance in my life… I’m all over the place. It was sort of nice to meet other bloggers that were struggling like me.

Next up was our Lunch followed by these amazing key note speakers: http://www.marthastewart.com/,  http://online.wsj.com/home-page, http://www.designmom.com/, http://apartment34.blogspot.com/. )

My last session of the day: From Blog to Book (the panel: http://www.amybutlerdesign.com/main.php?fl=0, http://www.designsponge.com/
http://www.also-online.com/http://www.chroniclebooks.com/, http://www.workman.com/artisanbooks/ ). So, I learned a TON from this. But, it seemed it may have been more for people ready with a book to publish now. And, I’m in no way ready for that. In fact…. I never really put much thought into it. But, I did take a lot of info from it for the future if I need it.

This was the also the evening of the white party. Everyone was asked to bring a white outfit to wear for this evening. It was so fun and everyone looked beautiful!

I was also able to meet one of The Girls With Glasses, Chrysula Winegar, and the sweet sweet lady behind those adorable moccasins from Freshly Picked.

I’ve gathered all of these photos from many different sources: my photos, Justin Hackworth, b.a.d. photography, and Moss and Isaac.

Up next: Day 2 of the inspiring sessions.

{Related posts: Day 1 Alt Design Summit, Alt Summit Begins!, What Did I Learn?}

Day 2: Alt Summit begins!

Wednesday at Alt with 2 of my roomies.

Wednesday morning was an early one. … Our little East coaster roomies are insane and woke up too early. 😉 so, we got up… Lazed around… AND: Sweet Shawntae from A Little King and I stopped by with her adorable babes. Plus, she was adorable too.

We titled the photo on the left  below, “Sister Wives”. Love those girls, Ms. Navy, and Mr. Kingston (FYI: her kiddos are even more adorable in person). How ’bout a random bit of trivia for you… Kingston and Ruari were born on the same day, only 2 hours apart and both were 4 weeks early.

So, we had originally planned on doing a photo walk with Nish… But, it was raining and it didn’t work out. 🙁 I think next year we will plan our photo walk for Tuesday so we don’t run short on time. Darn. I was really hoping to meet her!

We were not actually staying at the Grand America…. We were at the Comfort Inn 2 blocks away. This was totally fine, but it got more difficult as the days went on. Even though we were each saving about $300 by staying there… I almost wish we were at the Grand. Next year for sure. So, for lunch we ate at the Garden Cafe in the Grand and shared a bottle of wine… You know, because that’s what you do when you’re at a conference.

And, finally… Alt summit begins!!! Heck yeah! The moment I’ve been so excited for and planning for and saving for…. Was here. For the first night at Alt they had a million different restaurants that all the attendees were splitting up into groups of 10 for a more intimate dinner experience. Jess and I chose Spencer’s as our dinner of choice. Oh man. You don’t even know how long it’s been since I’ve had an amazing steak… And, this thing was amazing (and, free which makes it better. All thanks to our dinner sponsors, HP). Please see photo below for thee most amazing steak. You are looking at a $60 piece of meat…

After much wine and fabulous chatting (I loved the sweet dinner attendees that I chatted it up with.) we headed out to Squatter’s…. A local watering hole. This is where I finally got to meet the lovely Dayna from Gelaskins. She was neato. And, I also met and was pretty interested in the Brunch with Bloggers group.

Next up: passing out at the hotel around 1 am… And, our fabulous Alt sessions begin!

P.S. Most photos are from my phone and jess‘ phone. BUT, some are from the lovely photographer: b.a.d photography.

{Related posts: Day 1 Alt Design Summit, BlogHer ’11, What Did I Learn?}

 Wordless{ish} Wednesday link up:

Day 1: Alt Design Summit

Hello…. I will be wandering through each day of my Alt trip on this here Bloggy blog…. You guys: it was AMAZING! So, I got in on Tuesday at 9 am… Yeah. Maybe a little too early. BUT, I wanted a flight with no stops and to get in on Tuesday. So, that meant I had a flight that left at 6:30 am.

9 am: I am there! Heck yeah. I’ve never been to Utah before. I know nothing about Utah.  I hailed a cab (since I had no idea my hotel offers a free shuttle) and we drove past the most beautiful site. These mountains. Against the blue sky. Gorgeous.

25 dollars later my cabby got me to my hotel safely (sorta… This other car almost drove right into us. Mini heart attack.)

Anyhoo …

My roomies (Jess, Robin, and Jensie.) weren’t there yet so I got myself all settled and ready in the hotel. Answered emails. Tweeted. Ate some Slim Jim’s. Around 2 pm Miss Jess is there and we finally meet! We’ve been buddies since the early days of our blogs. So nice to actually meet her (FYI: she is very sweet and she does rock).

We were hungry and wandered away from the hotel with Julie (the BFF of Jess) and had a super amazing meal at this fun place: Blue Plate Diner. They have these Cajun seasoned fries that were so yum. Super spicy, but delicious.

Eventually the other roomies made it ‘home’ and we ended up at The Green Pig Pub for some dinner. Turns out it was poker night and we were the only ladies… But, good food I’m telling ya! We had some drinks… Chatted chatted… Jess offered to carry my baby in her fancy womb for me (kidding).

And, we all went to bed and cuddled.

Tomorrow: Wednesday at Alt Design Summit!

Wish you were there!

Heeeeeeeeeeeey! Well, I’m home. Miss Jess and I finally made it to Alt Design Summit this past week. Pretty much: it was amazing. AND, I may talk about it a lot in the next few days. Lots of photos to share and lots of wonderful people to talk about. I learned A LOT. All the people I met were so inspiring. It was a ton of fun (even though you can only buy wine in liquor stores in Utah…. no wine in grocery stores…). ANYway, I’m still recovering from my lack of sleeps and the snoring from my bed buddy…. Jess. Hee. Kidding.

And, how about a shout out to my roomies…. they are crazy. I mean…. crazy-awesome. 😉 Jess, Robin, and Jensie.

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