Thrifting with my girl.

Last week I went thrifting with my mom and my little girl. It was a birthday present for me. So fun. We wandered around Hawthorne in Portland. I found a couple of really cute outfits (and, shoes) for cheap. I’ll be sure to share with all of you next week! So, normally it’s a little hard to shop with Ruari. You know… being a grumpy/meltdown toddler and all. BUT, she was was amazing on this trip. She was chatty and happy and enjoying everything! I love that I can share my love of thrifting with her! I’m still smiling thinking of how much fun we had. P.S. How grown up does my girl look? Wow. She looks so old! And, adorable.

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Linking this up with Mandy on Harper’s Happenings.

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia,And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}


Thrifting has always been a part if my life… But, when I was little it was more of a necessity… Not as “cool” as it is today. We couldn’t afford to buy new clothing, so that’s where we went. It never really bothered me (although, I do remember being embarrassed about it a couple times when I was little). I enjoyed our trips to the local Goodwill or consignment shop or garage sale! The truth is: you CAN find really nice quality clothing and items while thrifting.


When I got older we were lucky enough to not HAVE to buy used anymore. I slowly moved away from it…. Especially as a teenager who thought it was uncool.  But, now that I’m “wiser” (ha) and even older… I’ve found myself moving back to thrifting. It started slowly a few years ago…. And, I’m happy to say I buy about 80% of home items, clothing, and even gifts are found thrifting. It’s possible to find good quality items for gifts and your everyday life. So many of the items I buy while thrifting are brand new/barely used.
While thrifting is a lot more work than just popping over to amazon to buy something…. It’s worth it in the long run. Yes, I still love brand new items (::hi target::) but, there’s something so exciting about finding an entire outfit for $8! Instead of $200… And, I’m the treehugger that likes the fact that maybe there’s less waste out there when I buy thrifted. Maybe.


Sooo…. just a little note on the sweet items in the photos… All the colorful glasses are my new wineglasses! When I have friends over… we all have kids and the stemware wineglasses just don’t work with little/sticky grabby hands everywhere. The gold frame (with the girl kitty print that is from The Black Apple) was $1 thrift along with the $2 Mary Had a Little Lamb vintage frame and print for Ruari’s room.



The Original Bacon Hearts Recipe

Update July 2019:

Back in 2011, I shared this Bacon Hearts Recipe with my readers for a budget Valentine’s Day idea, and everyone loved it. It’s been all over the internet and even featured in Ladies’ Home Journal (do you remember that magazine?). It’s been up on the blog for so long without any updates, so today I’ve decided to republish this recipe with updated tips and photos.

The Original Bacon Hearts Recipe

Tips for Baking that Bacon:

  1. The thing about this recipe is it needs a strip of thick and floppy bacon to work. If the bacon is too thin, it falls apart. If it’s thick but stiff, it will not bend into the heart shape.
  2. Be sure to keep an eye on your bacon while it’s baking. It can go from looking good to burnt in a short amount of time.
  3. If this is your first time making bacon hearts, maybe try baking a single piece as a trial run?
  4. A few readers have suggested using toothpicks to hold the heart shape together while baking. Soak the toothpicks in water before baking, so they don’t burn.

Bacon Hearts Recipe:


  • Preheat your oven to 400.
  • Cut the bacon slices in half.
  • Using two pieces of the cut in half bacon, shape them into a heart on a sheet pan. Be sure the sheet pan has sides on it to keep the grease from dripping in the oven.
  • Bake for 15 – 18 minutes or until cooked. Keep an eye on the bacon hearts while they cook! They can easily burn.
  • When your hearts are done baking, place them on a paper towel to catch the bacon grease.
  • These hearts are delicious on eggs, toast, salads, and more!
The Original Bacon Hearts Recipe
The Original Bacon Hearts Recipe
The Original Bacon Hearts Recipe
bacon hearts, how to, recipe, valentines day, sweetheart, chocolate covered bacon hearts

The Original Bacon Hearts Recipe

Now that your bacon hearts are cooked serve them on a fancy plate or a pretty box and share with your loved one. To transform this into a treat, maybe think about dipping the bacon heart in chocolate?

– Chelsey

Disclosure: I may earn a small commission for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website. There are affiliate links in this post. Thank you for your support. I do hope you enjoy! P.S. Even the pioneer woman liked my bacon heart and that made my day. 

The Paper Mama “Party Time” photo challenge

The challenge: All my photo challenges should be based around your children (pets are always welcome). My birthday was on the 1st (woo hoo!). Let’s party!

My example of “Party Time”:

My girl on her 2nd birthday.

  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

. 2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .



The Paper Mama
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Categories: Uncategorized

Favorite Photo of January winners

This weeks challenge was: Favorite Photo of January!


Our Typical Life

Congrats! You can grab your first place button here!


Gatorette and Me


Living Our Love Song



The Stiles Files


Just Leesha


Congrats! You can grab your top 5 button here!


Behind the Camera and Dreaming


Photography by Amy Lee






Life by the Creek


Congrats! You can grab your favorite button here!

  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

. 2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .

Party Time!


The Paper Mama
<a href=””><img src=”” alt=”The Paper Mama” height=”150″ width=”150″ /></a></div>

Links to love this week.

My sister shared this website with me. It’s pretty cool…. I pretty much murder anything I plant in my garden ::they need to be watered?:: Anyway, this website tells you when/where to plant. Very neat.

My friend is awesome. She’s started blogging again.

Ok, I had this bagel cream cheese and lox last weekend for breakfast at Kenny and Zukes… ever since then I have been craving it! How awesome is this pizza? Looks DELICIOUS.

Mrs. 25 Design had her little baby boy! Yay!

Did you see my Valentine’s freebie printables? Enjoy!

I love this DIY Valentine’s project.

Mandy shared this video from the Ellen show. Pretty much… it’s adorable. Kristen Bell is adorable. I cried/laughed. Hee.

This is how I sing my ABC’s.

How about some bacon hearts for your loved one!

Jess shared this video with me the other day. Love it.

So, this is awesome! A little tabletop camera dolly/stand thing. Awesome!

Love the “We All Grow Up” post from Just Lovely Things.

P.S. I love everyone’s self photos. You can share yours here and be entered to win $100 towards a custom illustration from me. Yay!


Categories: Uncategorized

This before that. 2012.

Well…. here I am. 29-years-old. Time for another This before That list! I was NOT very good with my list last year… seriously. I only did half. This year: I will do it all! Yup. I want to. And, I will!

Here are my 30 freakin’ things before I’m freakin’ 30!

1. Finish our fireplace project!

2. Plant and actually enjoy my garden this year! AKA: water it. hee…

3. Go to BlogHer ’12.

4. While in New York for BlogHer: visit a couple museums!

5. Strive to keep a healthy work and life balance in my life.

6. Make it to Alt Summit again in 2013!

7. Keep up a workout routine.

8. Try two new restaurants in Portland.

9. New camera body this year? Hmmm… maybe. Kinda spendy though.

10. Many many dates with my husband.

11. Build and keep up a portfolio for my illustrations.

12. Learn how to use Illustrator.

13. Learn 3 new techniques on Photoshop.

14. Keep up with my visual journal.

15. Finally take out the dead tree in our front yard before it falls on our house.

16. Maybe chickens this year? At least set up our yard to get them in 2013.

17. Try and get into selling at some sort of craft fair this year.

18. An inexpensive family trip. Maybe to the beach a couple times.

19. 90% of my holiday purchases will be handmade or thrifted. Again.

20. Plan another PNW Blogger Meetup.

21. Organize and clean up broken links on my blog. There’s quite a few since my move to WordPress.

22. Potty train the kid. Not looking forward to this.

23. Organize our garage.

24. Pretty up our back yard.

25. I’d like planter boxes. Get my hubby to help me with this.

26. Buy most of my clothing thrift.

27. Bake a pie!

28. Many DIY’s for the bloggy.

29. Keep up with composting.

30. Tell my girl I love her each and every day!


Well, that’s it! There’s my list for this year. I think I can really so it this year. I was just so unorganized and overwhelmed last year. I think I can… i think I can.

Do you have a this before that list? Are you making one? Please do share. I’d love to see!

{Related Posts: This Before That 2011// This Before That 2010 // I’m no chicken}
