Advertise in April!

Hello! I’m now accepting sponsors for April! AND, I’m offering the same discounts prices as I did last month! I’m on a mission to earn enough money to get me to BlogHer. SO, that means discounted ad space for you!

BUT, the space is pretty darn limited. I’m already sold out of the Extra Large spots and only have 4 large spots left. Plus, a very small number of medium and small left. So, get your order in fast! You can purchase your ad space here.

I know you will L O V E advertising on this here bloggy. Some info for my sale…

20 Dollars – will get you 2 months of small ad space on my blog! (20 dollar savings)

50 Dollars – will get you 2 months worth of medium ad space on my blog! (20 dollar savings)

70 Dollars – will get you 2 months worth of Large ad space on my blog! (20 dollar savings) OR will get you 3 months worth of medium ad space on my blog! (35 dollar savings)

90 Dollars – will get you 3 months worth of Large ad space on my blog! (45 dollar savings)

100 Dollars – will get you 2 months of the extra large ad space on my blog (40 dollar savings)  Sold Out!

ANY ad space purchase is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for helping me out.

Ad spots will start on April 1st.

Categories: Uncategorized

Safely Pin

If you’re a Pinterest lover… you’ve probably noticed the tweets and blog posts about people deleting their accounts and the worry over getting sued for copyright issues. Since Pinterest is so new and grew so darn fast, it’s really unclear whether we’re dealing with copyright issues or not.

I think it’s important to pin responsibly!  I want to share some tips and advice on how to pin responsibly and how to keep your content properly linked back to you… how to link with love….

1. Before you repin…. check the link. For every repin I do…. I click on the linked photo first, to make sure it’s properly linked. If it’s not: I try and find the original source. If I can’t find that link: I don’t repin it. Which SUCKS. There have been some lovely things I’ve wanted to pin so bad… but, I couldn’t find the original image home, so I just don’t pin it. Even though it’s sad… I don’t feel right pinning something that doesn’t have a link back to it’s owner.

2. Make sure each pin you create has a comment. A comment about the image you’re pinning… not just a heart symbol or happy face. Right now it’s unclear about the copyright use of an image you find/use online for Pinterest. I mean… it’s a whole new world. Certain use of copyrighted work may be in the “fair use” category, in this case you have limited rights to use any copyrighted work. “Fair use of a copyrighted work: for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or research, is not an infringement of copyright.” I have no idea if commenting on a pinned image covers the fair use or not… but, I just like to make sure I comment on each pin. Might as well cover my butt.

3. Keep your photos safe…. watermark: If you don’t want your photos to disappear into the big ‘ol internets… watermark them. It’s the easiest way to claim a photo as yours. And, yeah: people could/will take your watermark off…. but, those are the crazies. Kind of hard to avoid them. But, I like to believe that people are generally good and never mean to not give credit to the photo owner. But, if it does happen… if they love your image and want to share it: a watermark is great! That way if your photo source is ever lost there will always be “” or whatever your link is on the image. You can do this in Photoshop… and, even in a few free photo sites as well. Plus: I always resize my photos before I upload them to the web. I keep them at 650 wide. Not only does it cut down on load time on my blog… it also means my image is smaller and harder to steal and use.

4. Link with love: If you find an image while surfing online and want to pin it… link with love! Make sure the image you’re pinning is linked to the proper URL. If the image you’re pinning is on a blog that doesn’t own it… just don’t pin it. OR, try and find the original source. Too many times I find that an image is linked to someones tumblr or weheartit site… with no actual link. I just don’t pin from those sites. Plus, when pinning an image I find… I like to post the source URL into the comments.

5. If you don’t want your stuff pinned… make sure it’s clearly stated on your site: You definitely can’t assume that each and every person that wanders onto your blog/site will know you prefer to not be pinned. I am one of those, “Why wouldn’t everyone want their photos pinned?” people. But, the fact is some people just really don’t like it. Especially if it’s a photo of their kid. And, you can also add this simple code onto your site… this code prevents any images on that site to be pinned. How about posting a note in your sidebar: You are Pinterest friendly… or not so Pinterest friendly.

It all comes down to giving credit where credit is due. Treat your pinterest boards as you would your blog. Any image you use on your blog, that you do not own: needs to link to it’s original source. Link with love. Pin with love. I am currently in the process of wandering through all 4,500 of my pins…. and, checking their links. If a photo is not linked properly: I’m deleting it. It’s going to take a while… but, I want to do it.

What are your thoughts on this whole new crazy Pinterest world?

P.S. I feel like I should say that any advice I give is purely my opinion. I am most definitely not providing legal advice. Just hoping to help you all pin with love. If you have any copyright/legal concerns…. seek advice from a lawyer and/or contact Pinterest. K? Hee.

P.S.S. You’re more than welcome to Pin this. My site is very pin friendly as long as credit is properly given.

P.S.S. Here are some buttons you are welcome to right-click and save if you’d like them for your website. 

{Articles I’ve read about this whole Pinterest copyright thing: DDK Portraits and The Wall Street Journal.}

Cleaning cleaning.


“This post is sponsored by” Pine-Sol® Clean & Disinfect with Pine-Sol®: The Powerful Scent of Clean” I was compensated for this post as a member of Clever Girls Collective, but the content is all my own.


I think it’s no secret that I love to thrift…. and, let’s be honest…. maybe I thrift a little too much. Well, maybe not too much. Ok, maybe too much. Denial? Ha!

Anywho… I’ve been working my buns off to go through everything I own. It’s sort of a ritual each year. I Donate what I don’t need/want and organize what I’d like to keep. Hey, I guess I’m spring cleaning! BUT, this year I’m digging deeper: when Mike and I wandered back to Oregon from Seattle in 2007… we never actually went through our possessions as we moved into our house. We just sort of put all of our stuff in the garage and, well, forgot about it! Out of sight out of mind. Right? Yup.

I’ve gone through and donated so much. Things I definitely don’t need anymore. I mean, do I really need my massive design code book, lighting notebook, and foam core model of a home from college? No, I don’t think so. Off they go. I’ve kept that darn foam core house since 2006. I think I mostly kept it because of the millions of hours I put into that darn thing. Oh college…. I do not miss you. Hee.

We’ve been moving keepsakes into plastic containers (don’t want those treasure to get ruined) and getting our garage organized and turning it into a happy place… well, sort of. The garage is kind of old and poorly built and it may or may not be starting to fall down. But, that’s another story… anyway…

I’m so happy we can go into our garage and actually know where things are. There’s still a ton more to do, but we’re getting there. I love to organize… but, it definitely does not come naturally for me. But, I’m learning. I’ve found if I’m having a hard time cleaning out a box and getting rid of it’s contents… it helps to come back a month later and go through that box again. That little break helps. I’m more likely to donate more items.

Another happy note about all my organizing and “spring cleaning”: I’m finding goodies that I purchased while thrifting and just plain forgot about (remember: out of sight out of mind). Like these sweet little embroidered kiddos…. aren’t they great! I’m happy to say that I’m now in the process of spray painting their frames and moving them into Miss R’s room.

Do you spring clean? Or, are you just naturally organized already?

– Chelsey

“Are you a little extreme when it comes to cleaning? Win the Pine-Sol® Deep Clean Diva Crown and $5000. Enter Now!

The Paper Mama “Hand” Photo Challenge

The challengeAll my photo challenges should be based around your children (pets are always welcome). Share a photo with a hand in it.

My example of “Hand”:

  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .



The Paper Mama Photo Challenge
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Paper Mama Photo Challenge" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The Paper Mama Photo Challenge" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


The winners of the “from above” photo challenge…

This weeks challenge was: Heart!


Congrats! You can grab your first place button here!





Congrats! You can grab your top 5 button here!

Congrats! You can grab your favorite button here!
  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .


Some links to love.

Are you an animal lover? Enjoy these beautiful photos of shelter animals… in bow ties. <3

I’m in love with this pink chalkboard paint door.

Very cool starry string lights.

These hand dyed ombre tights are pretty neat! It’s an Etsy shop!

This blogger, Ward-O-Matic found a vintage Better Homes and Gardens magazine cover…. it’s wonderful! From 1958 drawn by Jan Balet. P.S. This blogger is a wonderful artist too.

Thank you to these lovely sponsors that are helping me get to BlogHer. Thanks to you, you, and you!

Funfetti Chex bites? Yes, please.

Have you ever wondered how to tuft a headboard? Well, here you go!

This Etsy shop is adorable! My favorite item in the shop… these cute plaid show bow tie clips.

A great way to display photos in all those glass containers you have! Perfect for a birthday party?

Jess has a sweet new freebie print for you! It’s a whale of a tail!

Handcrafted wooden heart sunglasses! Yes! Adorable.

Have you heard of Passionfruit? Well, it’s officially up and running! This site will help you with your ad space… I’m still setting mine up.

P.S. you have a couple more days to win a 4 person/pet custom illustration from me! Over at Smile and Wave.

Did you see we’re planning another Pacific Northwest Meet Up? Yup! It’s in Portland! More details here.

Happy Friday!

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