Peeps Easter Banner with Free Printable

Today I want to share with you a little Peeps Easter Printout! I don’t really have much in the way of Easter decor… and, now that I have a kiddo… I have this need and desire to decorate my home like crazy for every holiday! I tell ya: it’s crazy. But, my girl loves it. AND, I want to share my creation with you.


– Print out the peeps. You can find the printout links below.

– Cut out whatever colors and how many peeps and bunnies you’d like for your banner out.

– Optional: I felt like my peeps were missing something… so, I added a layer of glue and glitter for a bit of peeps sparkle! Let dry.

– Trim out a length of ribbon for your banner (the length is up to you) and glue the bunnies and peeps onto the ribbon.

– Hang and enjoy! You’ve got yourself a fine bit of Easter decor.

{Printouts: //Yellow Bunnies//Pink Bunnies//Blue Bunnies//Blue Peeps//Yellow Peeps//}

– Chelsey

{Related Posts: //Valentine’s Banner//Freebie Print Set//I Love Us Print//}


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Categories: diy, Holiday - Easter

Katniss Reaping Hair

Katniss Reaping hair

This weekend I stepped out to view the fabulous movie: The Hunger Games. That book is such a favorite of mine. I’ve read the series twice now and, yes…. I really love it. All the characters. The story. All of it.

Before seeing the movie I alway sort of imagined what the delicate reaping day hair style of Katniss really looked liked. So, today I share my version of the Katniss Reaping Day hair. Just a simple twist braid around the head ending in 2 buns on the side (I know… I like side buns. hee).

Step 1: Normally I have straight hair… but, I just happened to do my No Heat Curl the night before. It adds volume. Start the braid at the top of your head where your hair line is. Begin your twist braid. The twist braid is using two sections of hair and twisting it! Just grab bit of hair as you go along to secure it. If that’s still confusing. I made a little braid your bangs video a while back and share how I do the twist braid. Check out the bottom of the post for the video.

Step 2: Continue your twist braid around to the other side of your head (right below your ear). Roll that twist braid hair into a bun and pin it. And, with the remaining hair above the ear…. twist that and roll it into a bun and pin it above the first bun.

Step 3: You are finished. My little version of the reaping hair.

This style took less than 10 minutes to arrange. A bit of hair spray holds it in place. The end.

P.S. If you need a little help with the twist braid… I explain it a bit in this video.

– Chelsey

The Paper Mama “Green” Photo Challenge

The challengeAll my photo challenges should be based around your children (pets are always welcome). Share a photo of the little one with green somewhere in the photo.

My example of “Green”:

{//Dog Bow Tie: c/o Little Blue Feather//}
  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .



Photo challenge buttons:

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge

The winners of the “Hand” Photo Challenge

This weeks challenge was: Heart!


Congrats! You can grab your first place button here!





Congrats! You can grab your top 5 button here!

Congrats! You can grab your favorite button here!
  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .


Links to love + Giveaway!

Donation + GIVEAWAY = awesome!

So, I think I need to raise the stakes to get some money for the babies. Hee! Maybe this will work? Hmm… I don’t know… BUT, we’ll see. SO…. for every $5 you donate to my March of Dimes walk: you are entered to win a full-body custom portrait from me! Yup! That’s an awesome prize, right? Hee hee. I really just want to raise money for the babes. Miss R was born 4 weeks early… only in the NICU for a minute… but, I always think of those kiddos that have to spend more time in there. <3

One more time:

– For every $5 you donate to my March of Dimes walk…. is an entry to win a full body custom portrait from me!

– You can enter as many times as you’d like! $5 = 1 entry… $10 = 2 entries… $40 = 8 entries… $250 = 50 entries (ha!)…. I think you get the idea. Just be sure you include your current email in your donation. That’s how I will contact the winner!

– So, it’s a win-win… you are helping the sweet little babies…. and, entered to win! Good luck! And, thanks for helping the kiddos. <3 Donate here!


Links I love this week…

Are you in Portland? Portland’s first handmade wedding show! You can apply now.

OH, one more thing Portland… I’m so very excited to check out the Crafty Wonderland shop on Saturday! Especially since there will be VooDoo doughnuts!!!!!!! And, Stumptown Coffeeee.

I love this post by Girl’s Gone Child. For me…. it’s a must read.

Temporary tattoo easter eggs. Cute.

Thanks so much to you, you, and you for their help getting me to BlogHer!

I love me some vintage bedding… It’s perfect for backgrounds in photos… and, OH so much more. I wish I could buy all these up!

This hand painted cupcake is beautiful.

Did you see my advice on how to pin safely? Here it is.

Miss R would love this…. I think I can handle making some homemade granola!

Aww…. I miss messy babies. Well, maybe not. But, it is adorable!

How awesome are these paper masks?

This sick day comfort food looks amazing. YUM yum.

P.S. I feel like I’ve just been all out of sorts this week. It’s been a long week. But, I have some goodies I’m excited to share with you guys soon. <3

– Chelsey

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Categories: Uncategorized

Life Lately

1. Ruari skips nap most days these days…. which means she falls asleep in the car. Such a stinker. 2. Made homemade biscuits for dinner! Yeah! That’s how I make dinner…. hee. 3. “Mama I got your boobies!” This is what I woke up to one morning. 4. Ruari dressing herself. One boot… hat… no pants. 5. Painted my girl’s nails for the first time. So cute. 6. I love lace… I dressed myself up and wore a sweet dress. 7. We have been taking R to a local play place… she doesn’t necessarily “play well with others”. Goodness. Must be the only child thing… but, we will keep working on it! 8. I went through some old sewing supplies from my grammy…. how come they don’t package sewing needles like that anymore? 9. Organizing my box of 120 pencils…. I dropped them…. so, had to. 10. Found an old photo of my Grammy and her brother. I love it. 11. P.S. found an old photo of the hubs and I… possibly 2006? 12. Cuddles with my sleepy girl. 13. Miss R filled out her first NCAA bracket! Hee! 14. We are planning the PNW Blogger Meet Up 15. My drawing of the sweet Rachel from Smile and Wave. 16. Crazy kid… I asked her to smile and she showed me her elbow. 17. At the play place again… still not playing well with others. BUT, we definitely need to wear heels while there. 18. And, the hubs and I had a fantastic date night. <3

– Chelsey

Mr. Angus

{//Dog Bow Tie: c/o Little Blue Feather//}

Name: Angus

Sex: Male

Age and weight: 5 1/2 years and 6 pounds

Likes: Hanging out at home under a blanket. Breakfast. A long walk around the block. Staring at his family while they eat…. trying to use his mind powers to make them feed him. A nice back massage. Cuddling with his mama. Eating random mysterious items while outside… only to barf them up later. Dinner. Laying upside down in sun spots.

Dislikes: The shorter human. That giant grey cat. Bathing. Toothbrushes. Whenever he’s not eating.

His Perfect day: Lots of food dropping to the floor. Followed shortly by pooping in the house because it’s too cold outside. Sleeping. Cuddling in warm cozy blankets with a nice scratch on the back. Ending the day with more food.

{Related Posts: //My chihuahua is trying to kill himself//Angus Walking Ruari//Get to know Pistachio//}


{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia,And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}