PNW Blogger Meet Up ticket time!

Heck yeah! Finally! We’ve got all details down and are ready for you all to buy some fun-day-good-timin PNW Blogger Meet Up tickets!

Details of the event: 

– Pacific Northwest Blogger meet up in Portland, OR!

– Friday, June 1st at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne from 6 PM to 10 PM

– We are unable to invite significant others (unless they’re bloggers) because of the limited space.

– There won’t be any refunds. BUT, if you do purchase a ticket and find out you can’t go…. let us know and maybe we can find a blogger that would like to buy the ticket from you?

– When you purchase your ticket be sure to include: Your blog URL, your name, your EMAIL address, and if you prefer meat or vegetarian.

What’s going to happen at the event?

Well, first: you are going to be meeting a TON of fellow local bloggers. Big bloggers, small bloggers, casual bloggers, serious bloggers… all are welcome.

We’ve gathered up some lovely goody bags filled with surprises from our sponsors. PLUS: chances to win a fabulous camera bag from Ketti Handbags and Jo Totes. PLUS: the sweet Elise from Blowfish Shoes(the lady behind the Blowfish Twitter and Instagram) is headed to Portland to hang out with us at the event! She’s planning a little game for you all…. and, yes: a few lucky bloggers will be winning some Blowfish Shoes! Heck yeah!

The talented and absolutely amazing Sara Gray will be photographing the event… along with running a photo booth for us to play in!

AND, food. We will have some yummy food to enjoy from the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Yuuuuum.

Plus…. Fun! It will just be fun!

*If you’re coming in from out of town: Make a plan to share a room with a couple blogger friends and maybe stay an extra night to wander Portland! It is a wonderful city… If I do say myself.


Hope to see you there! <3


Thank you so much to our PNW Blogger June 1st, 2012 event supporters! They are awesome. Check them out!



{CLOSED} 2 year blog anniversary + Giveaway = awesomeness

Winner has been picked and contacted. Thanks!

Sooooo….. I was just blah blah blah typing and blogging like I usually do…. when, I realized it was my 2-year blog anniversary on April 1st! I’ve been wandering this blogging world since 2008… but, The Paper Mama blog truly became my blogging home on April 1st, 2010. My online home. Well, to celebrate this wonderful moment… I’d like to give away something wonderful to you! My wonderful readers.

From one of my favorite little handmade shops: TumbleWeeds! The home of handcrafted wood veneer eyewear! I love this shop. I’m going to share a $75 shop credit towards any pair of glasses they have in stock for one winner! Yeah! I want to win!

What can you win?

A $75 shop credit towards one pair of sunglasses.

How do you win?

{Mandatory entry} Well, first: be a follower of my blog home some how…. BlogLovin, RSS feed, and/or Subscribe.

{1 extra entry} Follow me through one or all: Twitter, Facebook, and/or Pinterest.

{1 extra entry} Follow Tumbleweeds through one or all: Blog, Twitter, and/or Facebook.

{1 extra entry} Tweet about this giveaway! You can use this tweet below:

” Giveaway! $75 Shop Credit towards wooden veneer sunglasses from Tumbleweeds! From @thepapermama “

 Good luck! And, happy anniversary to my blog. <3

P.S. There is no cash value to this prize. The $75 goes towards one pair of glasses from Tumbleweeds. Any remaining credit has no cash value. And, all photos come from the wonderful Tumbleweeds.

The Paper Mama “Eyes” Photo Challenge

The challengeAll my photo challenges should be based around your children (pets are always welcome). Share a photo of some pretty eyes.

My example of “Eyes”:

  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .

Favorite Photo from March


Photo challenge buttons here:

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge

The “Green” photo challenge winners.

This weeks challenge was: Heart!


Congrats! You can grab your first place button here!





Congrats! You can grab your top 5 button here!

Congrats! You can grab your favorite button here!
  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .


Categories: Uncategorized


Thanks to The Bully Project for sponsoring my writing. Visit their website to join the movement and learn more.


The 4th grade me. Still a little girl. Shy. Goofy. Awkward. Afraid to stand up for myself. When I was in 4th grade I met a new girl. A girl that moved just down the street from me. Naturally my mom wanted to help me make friends. Her quiet kid. Help me make some more friends in this neighborhood (we were in a new school district). So, she introduced us. She, of course, had no idea how terrible and abusive this girl could and would be.

In the beginning of our friendship it was fun. She was nice. She was new and still on her best behavior. Time goes by and she starts to get mean. I can remember the first instance: We spent the night at her older sister’s place. I didn’t want to play a game, so she started hitting me over and over again with a pillow. Not playing. No. Me hiding in a corner crying because she was hitting me so hard while I was yelling, “Stop!” Eventually she did when her sister came in the room.

But, for some reason… I stayed friends with her. My older self knows this is because I was shy… and, didn’t really have any friends at this school.

Time goes on and on. I’m in 6th grade and I’m still friends with this girl. I start to make new friends. Branch out. She gets jealous. She’s controlling. She calls me on the phone and asks: ‘if she got lost in the woods and my new friends wanted to play would I go look for her?’ This made me mad so I said, “Why are you in the woods? I’d get a teacher to find you.” Her mom was on the line and begins to tell her daughter’s 11-year-old friend how terrible that I would leave my best friend to die in the woods…. I guess the apple doesn’t fall from the tree.

We are now in 7th grade. I make a couple of new friends (that I’m proud to say I’m still friends with today. I love them) and she makes a couple new friends. She still gets mad when I try and hang out with my new friends… so, she makes up a lie and tells her newest friends that I think they’re sluts. I’m at my locker. A shy, small, never get’s into any trouble girl…. and, the “wild” girl of 7 grade comes up behind me, spins me around, and slams me against a locker. Yells at me for calling her names. Makes fun of me for not even wearing a training bra in front of MANY kids. And, leaves laughing. I cry.

We get older. 8th grade and 9th grade. Our bodies develop. She gets boobs. I don’t. She tells me that it must be so hard to not have any boobs. Boys won’t like me. She’s bigger than I am. She’s not fat. She’s just bigger. I’m a super tiny girl. Always have been. We are in our swim suits and she tells me that I may be fatter than her because she sees a roll on my belly. She was always so sad for me that my teeth were so crooked and she had naturally straight teeth.

I’m 16. I’ve kept those friends I met in 7th grade. And, I’m making new friends. I’m realizing I don’t need to be friends with this girl anymore. I never needed to be friends with her. She just made me think I did. The last day I spoke to her: I sat down with a couple of friends at lunch this day. Didn’t respond to my bully’s waving me over to her table. That night I see her. She curses me out for ignoring her and calls me some lovely names. I tell her where to put things and say I’m done. No more. I should have been done years ago. We are no longer “friends”. And, that’s it. We’re done.

I make so many more friends. I meet people that I’m still so happy to call friends today. I still think I wasted many of my years with this girl. It’s like she took me over and I had no control over anything. I felt stupid. And, who would want to be friends with me anyway? Right? The torture she put me through goes beyond what I wrote. I still feel the scars in me. I’m still hurt and angry at her. I feel sorry for the children she will raise. Will they be bullies too?

Being young is hard enough. I didn’t need any help feeling more insecure about myself. I don’t thank her for anything. I could say she helped shape me to be the person I am today…. but, those feelings and the sadness I felt when I was so young…. were terrible. The best thing I ever did in my young years for myself: was to tell her “No more.”

Sadly, many kiddos don’t have a chance or can’t say ‘no more’.  Their bullies won’t stop. I have a 2-year-old girl that I want to protect and keep safe. The best I know how to do this is to share my stories with her. To share how it felt to be bullied.

Have you heard about this movie? I’m planning on seeing this documentary, BULLY. I have a feeling it will be a film that I think should be shared in all schools.

– Chelsey


Clever Girls Collective. Find showings in your area for The Bully Project and buy tickets here.

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Categories: about me

The new teepee.

After about one million years I’ve finally finished Miss R’s teepee! Back in November I planned this whole teepee deal. And, because I procrastinated like to plan…. it took me 4 months to do. Well, 4 months to start. Ha! The whole teepee project took about 3 hours. Not bad. And, I enjoyed the whole process!

I don’t have any exact instructions/measurements… but, I can share with you how I did it! If you know how to sew a straight line: you can do this!

Supplies needed:

– A large sheet. I think mine was king size. Found it while thrifting for $2.

– 4 poles/sticks. Mine are 54 inches high and were given to me for free.

– Rubberbands.

– Rope/ribbon to tie the sticks together.

– Pretty ribbon.

– Grommets

– Sewing machine

(did you notice the total cost of this was $2? I had all the other materials already. Yeah!)

First, I gathered up the four sticks. Holding them standing straight I wrapped a couple rubber bands around them to hold the sticks in place. Then, I grabbed my rope and started tying the sticks together. Lots of knots and wrapping. I’m sure there’s some special way to do this…. but, I didn’t really look up instructions. Hee.

Once everything was all tied together I tested the teepee out. Made sure the sticks opened out to how wide I want them for Miss R’s teepee.

Next up, measure your sticks from the tied up section to the floor. Mine measured 45 inches. So, I folded my thrifted sheet to measure 45 inches exactly. I pinned that up and sewed a straight line.

Then, you’ll drape your sheet onto the poles and line it up so everything is covered and the fabric is where you will want it. You may notice there’s a little triangle flap on two sides. You’re going to fold those under and pin them.

Once you’ve sewn up the triangles, trim the excess fabric and fit your fabric over the poles again. So, my sheet had this really neat trim, that I had cut off, and wanted to use somewhere. I figured out where to put it, right in the opening to the tent. The doors. I pinned the trim on to the flaps, sewed them on…. and fit the fabric back onto the polls again.

To keep my fabric secure on the poles, I added grommets to the flaps, and around each poll. That way I was able to tie some pretty ribbon on to keep it all in place. AND, that’s it! You’re done! Really very simple. I just guess each time I sew. Seems to work out. (ha!).


You guys should know the best part about this thing: Ruari said she wanted to nap in it… so, I said yes. We set up blankets, books, horses, and dolls. I said good night and sat in my chair 10 feet away catching up on emails. She did NOT nap (what’s new these days), but she did sit/lay there for 2 glorious hours singing/chatting/giggling to herself. For those that may not understand: that is the most amazing thing on this planet! My 2-year-old toddler sat still and entertained herself for 2 hours straight. I’m still in awe.

When she was finally done… she peaked her head out and said, “Mama I’m all done. I’ve been sleeping all day! In my dog house!” Silly.

I hope you all enjoyed!

{Related Posts://Placemat Apron//No Sew Bow//Rainy Day Jar for Kids//}


PNW Blogger Meet Up announcement!

Hello again! We have been busy busy and are happy to announce that the PNW Blogger Meet Up tickets will be up for sale on Monday, April 2nd at 7:30 AM (Pacific Standard Time). I wanted to give you all a nice heads up so you are ready when they go up for sale on Monday. We will have 50 tickets for sale and have had a TON of emails and interest in the event. Which, is so exciting. I love meeting new bloggers (and, seeing old blogger friends too)!

Again, here are the details of the event: 

– Pacific Northwest Blogger meet up in Portland, OR!

– Friday, June 1st at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne from 6 PM to 10 PM

– We are unable to invite significant others (unless they’re bloggers) because of the limited space.

– Tickets go on sale Monday, April 2nd at 7:30 AM for $25.

What’s going to happen at the event?

Well, first: you are going to be meeting a TON of fellow local bloggers. Big bloggers, small bloggers, casual bloggers, serious bloggers… all are welcome.

We’ve gathered up some lovely goody bags filled with surprises from our sponsors. PLUS: chances to win a fabulous camera bag from Ketti Handbags and Jo Totes. PLUS: the sweet Elise from Blowfish Shoes (the lady behind the Blowfish Twitter and Instagram) is headed to Portland to hang out with us at the event! She’s planning a little game for you all…. and, yes: a few lucky bloggers will be winning some Blowfish Shoes! Heck yeah!

The talented and absolutely amazing Sara Gray will be photographing the event… along with running a photo booth for us to play in!

AND, food. We will have some yummy food to enjoy from the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Yuuuuum.

Plus…. Fun! It will just be fun!

*If you’re coming in from out of town: Make a plan to share a room with a couple blogger friends and maybe stay an extra night to wander Portland! It is a wonderful city… If I do say myself.

OK, that’s it for now! I’m so excited and can’t wait for June 1st! I hope to see you there and, just in case you missed it before:

We are SOLD OUT!

The Paper Mama Blogger Meet Up
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Paper Mama Blogger Meet Up" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The Paper Mama Blogger Meet Up" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


Thank you so much to our PNW Blogger June 1st, 2012 event supporters! They are awesome. Check them out!
