Links I love this week

This is how Ruari plays hide ‘n seek.

Cauliflower Tater Tots. TOTally trying these out.

Did you see my first post on Better Homes and Gardens? Please, enjoy!

I want everything in this handmade jewelry shop. Ok?

I want to make this…. so bad! Maybe after we build a little front deck. Daybed!

Avocado Mac & Cheese? Yup.

Coolest reading nook in a closet. <3

Really cool idea in this post to color skewers for a party.

DIY Chalkboard paint!

I really love this camera strap cover! It’s lovely. Lacey!

Great idea! Perfect little card holder attached to your cell phone Awesome!

Dairy Queen Blizzard recipe? Yeeees.

Just Lovely started a Love Club… how about sweet goodies to you each month for a small price? I think yes.

Pinhole Press was so sweet and shared my baby book post on their site. Have you checked them out yet? You totally should

Hey! Don’t forget to enjoy a 25% discount on ad space! The discount ends soon lovelies!


Categories: Uncategorized

Better Homes and Garden contributor!

Hello! I am so happy and excited to share with all you lovelies: I am officially a contributor to Better Homes and Gardens online! What? Yes. I am still in shock… I’ve been in love with that magazine for as long as I can remember. And, now I am a part of it (in my own little way).

SO, today my first post will be up. I am sharing a DIY on how to create your own silhouette family tree using a photo edit program. There’s this wonderful image from BHG that I have been staring at for so long, and now I’m recreating it.

Please do give it a visit. I’m so very very excited about this dream come true opportunity! Stop by, say hello. Let me know what you think! And, enjoy.

A little preview of what I’m sharing:

P.S. Don’t forget to enjoy a 25% advertising discount! Ends in a couple weeks.

– Chelsey

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Last weekend.

This last weekend was FULL of fantasticness. I wandered up to WA on Thursday, on the train, to stay with my other family. Side note: Ummm, the train was cheap in comparison to driving 3.5 hours. That drive would take a tank and a half of gas for me ($100). After taxes and all that, my round trip train tickets were $54. And, I could use the money I saved to buy wine to drink on the train… hee.

On Friday, Mandy and I went to breakfast (I ate chicken fried steak. Thank you.). AND, thrifted allllll day. I found way too much. Good thing I packed light and could fit my goodies into my luggage. Ha! Saturday was the whole reason why I was in WA, March of Dimes. I had a fantastic time! So proud of all those ladies raising nearly $4,000 for the babies. Mandy dropped me off at the train after the walk, and my family and I enjoyed ourselves with a mini-picnic outside. Lovely weather for sure. Which is why I got a little bit of a sunburn from the walk (I forgot sunblock).

Sunday, was Mother’s Day. I love that day. I gave my mama that adorable canvas of Ruari (from HP) and my husband gave me cookies! Yummmy yummy cookies. In fact… I have a couple left. I may need to make sure they’re ok…..

How was your Mama’s Day weekend? I hope it was lovely!

P.S. I’ve seen this idea wandering all over Pinterest… but, we really haven’t had nice enough weather to test it out yet: Set your phone in a bowl… and, play music! It really amplifies it! We found that the glass bowl worked best. Cool idea. Will be doing this for picnics this summer!

And, don’t forget to enjoy my 25% off coupon for ad space! Really awesome deal!


{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject Alicia,And Then She SnappedJenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}

Riding the Passionfruit train.

I finally took a moment to set up my Passionfruit account. I meant to start it when it first launched… but, life’s busy and I forget. A lot. SO, here I am. A Passionfruit lady! What is it? Well, pretty much it’s an amazing tool to run my ads for me. Instead of me setting up the html each and every month (lots of work)…

It’s really simple. Any person that wants to purchase ad space can head on over to my ad space page… click on the ad size they’d like, fill out the form, purchase, and done! Your ad is up!

And, to celebrate the awesomeness that is Passionfruit, here’s a fantastic discount code for you… yes. It’s good. 25% off your ad space! It’s simple. Just head to my sponsor page, choose you ad, and enter this into the promo code section (case sensitive):


I’d love to have you! And, if you run ads on your blog…. you should check out Passionfruit. Even if you don’t sell ads… if you just like doing ad swaps… just offer your readers a 100% off code to use. Awesome! Enjoy your discount!


Categories: Uncategorized

Marching for babies!

We did it! We walked 3 miles and raised almost $4,000! I’m so happy. My girl was 4 weeks early… and, luckily only had to spend a few minutes in the NICU (healthy girl). BUT, so many babies come even earlier… and, this money will go to learn more and help more babies! That’s good in my book. <3

I had a wonderful weekend. Next year the hubs and I plan to go up together with the kiddo and walk as a family. This walk takes place in Tacoma, WA and I live about 3 hours away. SO, we have to plan ahead.

I hope you can all say hello and give a visit to these sweet ladies that walked! I had a ton of fun chatting with them:

Tracy, Care, Stephanie, Jill, Mandy, Chelsea, Emily, Melissa, Ashley, and Fiona.

This was the Washington Bloggers for Babies 2nd year raising money for the babies. Remember last year?

WELL, we did it again! Yay!

– Chelsey

{Related Posts: //March of Dimes 2011//Girl’s Night//Seattle//}

Revamped play kitchen

My little girl’s “new” play kitchen! I bought this goody at a local consignment shop for $25 last October/November. My intentions were to have it finished before her birthday and christmas in December. Of course that didn’t happen…. BUT, it’s finished now! It just need a bit of new paint, tightening here and there, and some love.

I painted a primer on the kitchen…. then sprayed it this lovely blue. For the sink, phone, and stove stuff I painted silver. THEN, the fun part… well, the time-consuming part: I mod podged tissue and vintage papers onto the shelves and inside the cupboards. It took a LOT of time for this part, but so worth it. I think it just makes this kitchen look so cute

We have this kitchen in her room now… her little tiny room. She loves making us dinner, washing her horsies in the sink, and making coffee with this kitchen. I’m so happy she loves it. It took a bit of time and work… but, for $25 (and all the fun she has with it) it was so worth it.

I see these kitchens on craiglist ALL the time for cheap. Keep your eye out! They can be like $200 new.

– Chelsey

Linking up with Mandy for High On Thrifting.

{Related Posts: //The new teepee//Placemat Apron//DIY Fox Costume//}

The Paper Mama “Pink” Photo Challenge

The challengeAll my photo challenges should be based around your children (pets are always welcome). Share a photo of the little one with green somewhere in the photo!

My example of “Pink”:

  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .



Photo challenge buttons here:

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge