The Paper Mama “Yellow” Photo Challenge

The challenge: All my photo challenges should be based around your children (pets are always welcome). Share a photo of the little one with Yellow somewhere in the photo!

My example of “Yellow”:

  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

. 2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .



Photo challenge buttons here:

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge

The “Floral” Photo Challenge Winners

This weeks challenge was: Heart!


Congrats! You can grab your first place button here!





Congrats! You can grab your top 5 button here!

Congrats! You can grab your favorite button here!
  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .


Lazy Strawberry Shortcake

AdvertisementThank you COOL WHIP for sponsoring this post. Join us on Facebook for inspiration and recipes for everyday treats. What you add makes it. #coolwhipmoms

My family and I have been so darn busy with life, that we haven’t had a chance to celebrate my bro’s 28th birthday. It was on May 29th… First my mom was out of town, then I had my PNW Blogger Meet Up, and then I was out of town for a couple more days. BUT, we finally did on Sunday night. We made a favorite dinner of mine: appetizers! I seriously could eat appetizers all day and everyday. Yum. We had bruschetta… so good, my husband made a yummy corn relish, and we had some yummy smoked chicken sausages. All bite size. That’s my kind of dinner! We also gave my bro his presents: beer… I mean, what else do you give to a 28 year old guy? I don’t know. THEN, we had dessert. Let me share the most simple recipe eveeer, with you.

Lazy Strawberry Shortcake

Supplies needed:

– Strawberries

– Shortcake

– COOL WHIP Whipped Topping

– A jar

– A spoon

– Your mouth and belly


Like dinner, dessert was simple. We considered actually making and baking a dessert, but we are all so tired from, well, life. We bought a flat of delicious locally grown strawberries (so good), a pre made short cake (I know, lazy. Short cake is like the easiest cake on the planet to make. But, we were tired), and some COOL WHIP. Start with a bottom layer of strawberries, add a layer of cake, strawberries, and the whipped topping. We used a teeny jar, so we could do many layers. BUT, imagine the awesome layers you could create with a giant jar! That would be fantastic. I should have used a larger jar… hmmm… Anyway…

Family loved it. Brother loved it. I loved it.

Idea: How yummy would these little treats be for a party? A bridal shower or baby shower? They are so simple and quick to put together, it would be a great party dessert! Throw it together 10 minutes before serving, tab dah! My mom has been collecting these little mason  jars for a while (she’s getting ready to make strawberry jam). You could even add cute little tags, tied on with twine. I hope you enjoy this sweet treat this summer!

– Chelsey

Sponsored posts are purely editorial content that we are pleased to have presented by a participating sponsor. Advertisers do not produce the content. I was compensated for this post as a member of Clever Girls Collective, but the content is all my own.

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Categories: food, gif, Sweets

Links to love this week

I keep forgetting to share this photo. I took this so long ago. Probably back in March? Pretty much: Paint + oil + ziplock + tape= a grand ‘ol time. Yup. That’s it! Be sure to put the oil in first (I just used plain ‘ol vegetable oil), add the paint. Get all the air (that you can) out of the ziplock, and tape down. Your kiddo can paint with their fingers, mess free. Good idea. Found the idea forever ago on Pinterest.

Links I love this week:

I really really really love these shoes. A lot.

How come I never thought of putting an ironing board in a drawer? Wonderful.

Potato chip cookie recipe? Yes. I’m pretty sure ANYthing-potato chip is delicious.

I know I’ve shared this idea before… but, it’s so simple I’ll share it again. Untangle your dolls hair.

Oh man. Butter Roasted Carrots with Lemon Thyme.

While this is totally out of my price range, I completely love this nightstand from West Elm.

Beautiful DIY cotton candy tray. Yeah, I may make this.

OMG. Cinnamon roll casserole. OMG.

I love almost anything in this shop.

Really nice plate wall arrangement.

This pastel swirled cake is pretty lovely.

I don’t know what it is… but, I really like this donkey blanket.

I really want to try out this flourless peanut butter cookie recipe.

Did you see my new sponsors? Say hello! …from behind my desk, Beautiful Dawn Designs, and I’m an affiliate with Modcloth.

These monogrammed mugs (on Etsy) are cute.

A fun gift for Father’s Day! Put together some game tickets and peanuts together for a gift.

Goal: Outdoor movie night. So fun!

I like this tooth fairy pouch in this post. It will be a cute ida for when R starts losing teeth.

SUuuper last minute and awesome Father’s Day idea. It’s a photo idea!

Did you see my newest BHG post? It’s a DIY for building a garden bed for the kiddo. <3

Happy Friday lovely readers!

– Chelsey

PNW Blogger video montage

So, we had Waaaaay too many good photos, from Sarah Gray, to put into one blog post… So many that I’m pretty sure it would have made your computer blow up. Whoa. Hee. So, I just made a little photo montage to share with you guys. Enjoy it!

Plus, thanks to Heather for creating the lovely banner in these photos! And, who the heck is this guy? Ha!

 Again, if you have any PNW Blogger Posts you’d like to share, you can link up below! I’d love to see them!

All of the planners (LeanneHeather, and Melissa) will be sharing this on their blogs, along with the .


Thank you so much to our PNW Blogger event supporters! They are awesome. Check them out!


Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Tattoo for you? No, for me.

When I was in Cali last week, I got to spend an extra day with some friends. Thursday day was spent with Ms. Jess. When you hang out with Jess, you go shopping. And, when you go shopping… and not find anything you want to buy… you get ideas. When you get ideas and say them out loud near Jess, she agrees with you. When your ideas are agreed upon… you spontaneously get a tattoo. When you’re a nerdy blogger and you just get a tattoo with your blogging friend, you go stand in the middle of the boulevard, in Hermosa Beach, and take blogging photos. Hee.

We are amazing and got awesome tattoos of our kiddo’s names on our arms. I absolutely love it. I’m normally the kinda girl that needs to think/plan out a future tattoo foooooeeeeevvvvvveeeer. Just to make sure it’s what I truly want. In fact, I have plans to add more to my arm and shoulder soon. BUT, I also have teeny tattoo ideas in my head that I save for these spontaneous and crazy moments.

P.S. Just in case you are like, “Laureli, I thought her kid’s name was Ruari?” Well, her real name is Laureli… but, we call her Ruari (ahem… Gilmore Girl’s … ahem). And, funny: I told Ruari I put her name, “Laureli” on my arm… she keeps saying, “No, it says Ruari.” Ha!


{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject Alicia,And Then She SnappedJenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}