Links to love this week!

This week the whole family managed to get sick. I woke up Wednesday feeling terrible… I might have actually died. Slight exaggeration, but I was sick. I don’t remember the last time anything kicked my butt like that. Luckily my mom and husband could take over kiddo duties while I slowly disintegrated into nothing. We’re all doing better… but, I’m completely drained. So, here’s to being over this thing… and, slowly recovering! Happy Friday!

Links to love this week:

I love prosciutto with anything.

Cool DIY camera strap.

Sweet handmade necklace.

Lovely DIY kite cake topper for your next birthday cake. VERY simple.

A cute update to your medicine cabinet. Chalkboard paint inside… leave love notes.

If you have a moment, please say hello to this lovely new sponsor: The Roo.

Unique/inexpensive idea for business cards. Custom stamp + carnival tickets.

After Tara, from Beautiful Blendings, read my Celebrity post… she shared a neat site with me. This lovely Portland lady just randomly gives away $100 to strangers. All from an inheritance from her mother. I love this idea. You can read her stories here.

This flower chandelier is WAY outta my budget. But, cute idea!

Cool backdrop. It’s a bit pricey, but maybe worth it if you’re a professional photographer?

My most recent Better Homes and Gardens post. A trip to the museum freebie printables!

– Chelsey

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Printable Butterfly Prints: A Trip to the Museum!

Another new DIY to share with you guys! My most recent post on Better Homes and Gardens. It’s a trip to the museum! Butterflies for your wall. SO, I went ahead and photographed my own collection of butterflies to share with you. If you head on over to BHG today you can print all these butterflies for yourself!

I hope you enjoy! Go say hello over there! <3

– Chelsey

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Ruari’s first drawing of her mama

The other weekend I was out running errands, and came home to find Miss R had drawn her first drawing of me! BUT, it was on a tiny chalkboard. Soooooo sad. I didn’t want to lose it. She told me where my legs, hair, arms, and everything were! I had to remember. Good thing someone invented cameras! I took a photo of my girl holding the little chalk drawing. Awesome.

 What do you think? Looks just like me. Especially the hair.

– Chelsey


{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject Alicia,And Then She SnappedJenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}

Local Love: My new favorite brunch spot!

Yuuuummmm. I love brunch. Goodness. AND, I love Journey’s. Journey’s, a wine bar in Portland, is our favorite wine spot. We have been wandering there since before Ruari was born. Since before we were married! It’s sort of our date night go-to. BUT then, we went and got married and had a kid. Journey’s is 21 and over only… Womp womp. Sad day for Mike and I. Just kidding… Ha!

So, we were veeerrrry excited when we found out Journey’s was starting a new brunch menu and opening up in the mornings! Yeah! Plus, they were allowing kid’s from 8 am – 4 pm Friday through Sunday. Yes! Our favorite spot. We can now bring our kid. Yay! On top of all that, the new breakfast food is amazing. Mike tried out the breakfast pizza + bloody beer and I had the amazing eggs benedict + mimosa. Every part of that breakfast was delicious. You can find out how to get there here, at I just downloaded the YP app… so good for people that get easily lost anywhere they go ::pointing at myself:: Even in the city they live in… Ha!

Even Miss R had a panini pressed pb&j. She devoured it up. Fast. If you are ever in SW Portland and need some breakfast (or even dinner… that’s delicious too) stop by Journey’s! Great people, drinks, and food. Highly recommended.

If you want to find some more food: Pretty much, just open the YP app… type what you’re looking for (maybe pizza?) and it will find what you’re looking for based on the food served on the menu!  You can even get directions from your current location. That’s so perfect when you’re out in a new place and don’t actually know where to go. See, I’ve been all over this app… telling people what I think. But, truly… I always read reviews about a restaurant before I go. Always. I even wrote a review about Journey’s (before I even tried their brunch) aaaand, included my own photos. Even a photo of the owners I took last summer. <3 Love them.

– Chelsey

Thank you to YP for being a sponsor. Check out the latest YP app or to find food nearby fast! YP is your local companion for making decisions on everything from where to eat to where to find cheap gas (one of my favorite features). This post is in conjunction with my relationship with the Clever Girls Collective, and all opinions expressed here are my own. #YPcrave

Hey you, celebrity.

The other night I had thee strangest dream… ever. I’m serious. It was prettttty random. Here’s a quick little rundown: I was at BlogHer. So yes, many of you bloggers were also there. In my dream. Hee. We were all in registration which included: a line to cut your hair like Zooey Deschanel’s, a machine to toss your dirty socks in and coins pop out in return, and of course Beyonce was there with me.  Of course.

So after Beyonce and I were all registered, we decided to go shopping. I didn’t buy anything (because I’m cheap), but she bought a $100,000 crib. AND, that’s when I woke up. Maybe it frightened me so much that someone could spend that amount on something like that…. I just woke! I don’t know.

But, it just got me thinking and I keep thinking about it. Even though it was a dream: A famous singer buying a super expensive item (that could be found for a LOT less moolah) is not that far from the truth. I mean… I can only guess that her sweet baby’s room is extremely pimped out. I understand that the “rich and famous” work hard for their cash-money, but it really just seems a bit ridiculous. I don’t ever dream of being able to purchase a $1,000 pillow or a gold toilet (well….). I dream of paying off our school loans (shaking fists at interest payments) and not paying a mortgage (just 40 more years to go…).

My thoughts today have wandered to the Pay It Forward idea. I’ve always loved that idea. In fact, I did buy some Shine Project Pass it Forward cards… and, have done my own little silly “Pay It Forward” moments. Paying for someone’s coffee or buying a sweet treat for my neighbor. Little things. Things in my budget. What would be in Beyonce’s pay it forward budget? Or, any other celebrities budget?

I wonder if they step back and say, “Hmmmm, maybe I don’t need a new pair of $500 jeans for every day of the year…” and, used that to Pay it Forward… what could happen? I know these celebrities aren’t reading my blog. That’s fine… that would probably just make me nervous (well, I’m 90% sure Joseph Gordon Levitt reads my blog. Oh wait, that’s just in my dreams). But, what if they didn’t buy that $100,000 necklace and paid off someone’s student loans? Or, instead of a 1 million dollar baby room remodel… maybe a $500,000 baby room makeover… and, use that extra $500,000 to pay off a random ladies mortgage (pointing at myself… I kid. Sorta).

Anyway. While I know the rich and famous work hard and earn their own money… I still wonder. What would happen if they chose to pay off a year of rent for some random person? A person that’s struggling to put food on the table? Instead of buying jewelry or whatever. I know the majority of celebs have their own charity events… etc. BUT, it could be pretty amazing. Maybe a little trend will start… Celebrities randomly paying it forward for random people? Hee. Maybe. Just dreams I suppose.

– Chelsey

P.S. I definitely don’t mean to pick on Beyonce… she was just my BlogHer roomie in the dream. <3

The Paper Mama “Summer” Photo Challenge

The challengeAll my photo challenges should be based around your children (pets are always welcome). Share a photo of the little one celebrating the summery/sunny weather!

My example of “Summer”:

  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .

Pets (it’s a giveaway challenge!)


Photo challenge buttons here:

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge

The “Yellow” Photo Challenge Winners

This weeks challenge was: Heart!


Congrats! You can grab your first place button here!





Congrats! You can grab your top 5 button here!

Congrats! You can grab your favorite button here!
  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .
