Pony party pony party!!!

This post is sponsored by Pony Royale. I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

When I got an email asking if I’d like to throw a “Pony Party”…. for my girl… just because… I signed myself up. Barely reading the details. I’m not really into reviews… but: Yes please, pony party for everyone!

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Things are slowing down.

I swear all I’ve been saying the past month is, “I am so behind on everything, and I will catch up soon!” I think it’s finally about to happen. I don’t have any flight anywhere… no blogging conferences…. and, my sister’s wedding has come and gone. She’s a married lady now. If you see me in public, I’m the zombie stumbling through the crowd. Quite the tired lady.

We just have our “normal” life now. Kind of exciting! So… yes…. I’ll be back to my regular scheduled blogging starting tomorrow. Yes, that includes my BlogHer posts.

Sneak peek of the wedding… we rode pedi cabs to the venue. (I stole this photo from the photographer’s phone).

– Chelsey

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