Portland Eats: Salt and Straw

Headed to Portland? OH man, be sure to stop by Salt and Straw. It’s fantastic. No lies, the best ice cream I’ve ever had. This company was started in Portland, and has taken off. I’m not surprised by the popularity, it’s so good. There was quite a long line when we went for a bite.

The family and I split a bowl of a scoop of Almond Brittle with Salted Ganache, and a scoop of Chocolate with Gooey Brownies. The combination was amazing. These flavors were delicious alone… but, even better together! Dang, it’s 10 in the morning and now I want ice cream. Ha!

Even though I’m normally a chocolate ONLY kinda girl, I will need to try out the Pear and Blue Cheese ice cream. Hee!

– Chelsey

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Categories: food, local love, portland

Flat Iron Curls

I’ve seen these flat iron curls all over the internets…. and I’ve really wanted to try them out on myself, but I could not figure them out. I don’t know why, I just couldn’t. When I was in New York last month, sweet Stephanie told me they are so easy and she could show me. So, she did. Stephanie said this is the ONLY way she heat curls her hair now, and it holds the curl all day (my hair didn’t last all day in the New York humidity, but her’s did).

On our last morning in New York, we recorded a little video of Steph curling her hair with the flat iron. I hope this video helps you, because it REALLY helped me. I can now figure this darn curl out. Hee. Here are some tips I have for you… that I’ve sort of learned trying this out for myself:

– I like to start the curls around the hair by my ear.

– In case you can’t really tell what’s happening in the video below, here’s how the curl works: close the flat iron on the strand of hair and twist ONE time away from your face, and slowly pull the flat iron down the strand.

– Brushing out the strands of hair BEFORE you curl helps. It can get a little tangled and hard to curl.

– The slower you move the flat iron down the strand of hair, the more curly the hair. Stephanie wanted just a little volume, so she moved a little faster.

– Twisting the strands after each curl isn’t necessary, but I think it helps the curl hold better.

– I always say this: My hair is so straight I need to spritz hair spray on the curled strands as I go, for a better hold.


Thanks again to Stephanie for helping me figure this one out!

– Chelsey

Local Love: Margaret Jacobsen Photography

I’d love for you all to say, “hello” to my next Local Love lady. This is the sweet Margaret, from Margaret Jacobsen Photography.


This lady is so talented! I’m in love with all the photos she takes. PLUS, she has a couple of the cutest kids. So adorable. She is wonderful, sweet, and a favorite local artist of mine. Give her blog a visit and say, “Hiyee!” Enjoy scrolling through her photos… they are so lovely.

– Chelsey


Categories: local love



Obsessing over: Getting our fence finished. My husband started building a sweet little picket fence around the house… and, it’s taking so much time. Our weekends have been so busy… we haven’t had enough time to work on it nonstop. Just a little here… and, a little there. We want to get it done before the rain starts…. never know when that season will start (and, never stop) in Oregon. THEN: we get chicks in the Spring! Weeeeee!

Working on: Getting myself and shop ready for the holiday season. Last year, I couldn’t keep up. I couldn’t keep my little stuffies (see image above), stocked  in the shop. They sold out every time I put them up (or, even before they made it in the shop). SO, I’m stocking up. Yup. They will be up in about 2 weeks. AND, I have more pups coming… P.S. I’ve had a few questions about these stuffies: The dogs are about 6 to 8 inches tall and I do custom orders (order a custom pet illustration, plus $15 for the stuffie and shipping). You can email me if you have more questions about this.

Thinking about: About 5 billion things. Always. So much on the brain.

Anticipating: A trip I’m taking soon! I’m super excited about it. It’s a business trip… BUT, it will be fantastic. Ok, I can’t keep it to myself: I’m headed to Napa for 3 days. Bah! I can’t wait.

Listening to: Al Green, “Let’s Stay Together” on my favorite Pandora channel: She and Him.

Drinking: A glass of wine.

Wishing: That I had an assistant. Someone that will work for free. Ha!

What would your current list look like?

– Chelsey