BHG Post: Get Organized

Hello everyone! I’m off at Alt Summit this week, and if you want to keep up with my trip I’ll be on Instagram and Twitter.


Yesterday I was inpsired by a VERY lovely office space on Better Homes and Gardens. So, I wandered the webs to find as many bits and pieces as I could to recreate it. A couple of the items are a bit out of my price range, but I’m inspired. Curious to see this space? Well, head on over to BHG and scroll down to my post. Enjoy!

– Chelsey

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Categories: BHG

Today is the day!

Hello everyone! I’m off at Alt Summit this week, and if you want to keep up with my trip I’ll be on Instagram and Twitter.


Today’s the day! I’m speaking at Alt Summit with some LOVELY ladies. If you’re there, I hope you’re able to come by our panel.

Happy Thursday!

– Chelsey

P.S. Illustrations by, me. Hee.

Categories: Uncategorized

Custom Profile Illustrations

I’m trying something new in the shop. Usually I don’t sell the original pieces I make for custom orders, but instead send out a digital copy for the owners to do whatever they’d like with.

This is different. I’ve added a Profile Custom Line Drawing to my shop and I’ll be sending the customer the original piece! Plus a digital copy. I only have 2 up there, since I’m getting so busy I don’t have much time for custom orders anymore. SO, I am limiting the quantities I sell. If you’d like your own custom profile illustration, hop on over to the shop!

AND, because it’s new and I feel like it. You can get 15% off a custom illustration while I’m at Alt Summit. Just head over to my shop and use this coupon code at checkout: ALTSUMMIT2013

– Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

Flower Girl Style

Hello everyone! I’m off at Alt Summit this week, and if you want to keep up with my trip I’ll be on Instagram and Twitter.


Once again… more style photos I’ve been wanting to share. I mean, Miss R and I were looking pretty darn fancy for my sister’s wedding!

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Categories: Uncategorized

Bridesmaid style.

Hello everyone! I’m off at Alt Summit this week, and if you want to keep up with my trip I’ll be on Instagram and Twitter.


Way back when…. like 6 months ago… My sister done got married! Yay! It was a beautiful wedding. She was beautiful. The weather was beautiful. So lovely.

My sister had asked all us bridesmaids to find a blue cocktail length dress to wear. It was quite a fun hunt! I could not find ANYthing at the mall… Most of the dresses I found were, ummm, maybe a little too short? I mean, I’d like to keep most of my lady pieces covered. The thrift shops were a no-go… nothing in the color I needed.

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Categories: family

Movie Time: Side Effects

Let’s step out of my norm blog post and try something new… I was offered the chance to watch a movie and review it. The husband and I love movies. If we have a date night, it’s usually good food and a movie. While I’m more of the romantic comedy or documentary kinda girl, I do enjoy a thriller (even though I sit through the entire movie holding my breath). The movie I want to chat about today is Side Effects, a pharmaceutical thriller. Unfortunately, I didn’t have access to an early preview of Side Effects, so I can only guess at what the movie will be like… based on it’s trailer.

Here goes: The trailer starts off happy enough. We get to see the handsome Channing Tatum (sadly I don’t think he’ll be stripping as Magic Mike in this film, but you still get to look at him) and what I believe to be his wife (Rooney Mara, from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo). They enjoy some champagne and take a nap on a boat. Seems like a pretty good time. BUT THEN, things seem to change and Rooney (the wife) needs to take some drugs. Possibly from panic attacks? Maybe there’s a deep seeded fear of boats? Whatever it is, Rooney is finally getting that much needed sleep and she has more energy.

Wait, there’s a death! It was murder! Who died? I don’t know. BUT, it looks like Rooney has gotten herself into a bit of trouble… and Mr. Jude Law (her psychiatrist) may be involved. Is there an affair going on? Hmmm. Why doesn’t she have a lawyer for this mess? Why does she keep talking about Jude Law (I would talk about him if he was my doctor)? What’s up Jude? Did you create this mess, or is there something more sinister going on?

Enter Catherine Zeta-Jones as the bad guy/lady. Catherine has prescribed a new drug for Rooney, which is probably an experimental drug with crazy side effects. Is Rooney losing her mind? Did Jude do something naughty? I do not know. I will have to watch the movie when it comes out. February 8th, 2012.


This is a Steven Soderbergh movie. The majority of the time I enjoy his movies, so I think it’s a safe bet that I will enjoy this one. I am excited to see it. I mean… I loved these: Erin Brockovich, Ocean’s Eleven, annnnd Magic Mike (hee)! 

Why are you excited to see Side Effects? 

Answer that question in the comments below AND you are automatically entered to win 2 nights at a New York City hotel, airfare for two to New York City from the continental United States and a $50 movie gift card. What? Yeah. If you would like to see what others are saying about this movie, check out their Twitter and Facebook.

– Chelsey


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