{I bought this new teething feeder doo-hickey. Everytime I try and feed Ruari she just likes to gnaw on the spoon. SO, this little mesh feeding thing does the trick! She REALLY REALLY loves it. If you’d like to get one for yourself, check it out here.}
{Ruari at 7.5 months}
{Messy child}
{Good purchase!}
{Did I mention I might be a little annoying about voting for me this week? Hee… please don’t forget to vote for me! 🙂 I’d love to make it to the final 5 AND you can vote EVERY day through Friday!!! Still can’t tell you which one is mine. 🙂 }

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to post it below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… (Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, 7 Clown Circus, Jolly Mom, Go Graham Go, Marvelous Mommy, and My Wee View.) . Happy Wednesday to all of you!}

ok. so somehow i had totally missed this post! thanks for the link, i can't wait to get one for H!
too cute,, I think she needs a bigger bib :)thanks for sharing you WW.Happy BloggingLynettex ohttp://myweeview.com
I always wanted one of them for the kids but never found one, untill today. LOL, I doupt my little boy with teeth would be very happy with it.
I loved those feeder things when my little guys were young. It also helped me not freak out that they were going to choke on stuff! When she is teething freeze a piece of fruit and put it in there, it will help her feel better and taste good at the same time !http://ourhappyhomeblog.blogspot.com
We have one of those. She's so cute! I love her bright blue eyes!Check my WW out at: http://theapels.blogspot.com/2010/08/wordless-wed…
We have one of those. So handy. Oue little one is teething like crazy right now and we put ice in it for her to chew on. Seems to really help.
So cute! We had those too! It worked especially well for the boy who was ready for table food basically when he came out of the womb!You are invited to Of Such is the Kingdom's first birthday blog bash! We are looking back at old posts and giving away lots of prizes. Come on over!suchakingdom.blogspot.com
Graham also had one of those and hated it! So nice to see that some kids will use them LOL! It is a great idea.Your pictures are phenomenal as usual.
Neither of my kids liked any of their teethers. We tried that one and nope…no one wanted to have anything to do with it. It looks like Rauri does though 🙂
great pix! I had a few of those mesh feeders for our daughter and she LOVED them. Her favorite thing to have in it was watermelon and cold apples! YUMMY!
Can you even stand how cute she is?!?! I mean, seriously…needs to be a baby model NOW!! Sheesh, I can't take the cuteness!
Wow! This is my first visit to your blog and I'm amazed! Your daughter is stunning. I had that mesh feeder for my daughter too and it worked great. Stopping by from Seven Clown Circus!
I just love watching them learn and experiment with food. She's divine!
Awe! We love our fresh food feeder as a teether for Adrienne, she just can't get enough of it. & I'm glad I'll still be able to use once we introduce her to solids too.
aww she is just so precious! ash rejected every teething rings that i bought him and the one you recommended might just be the one but too bad that they dont deliver to hong kong :(~ash's mum
Cohen loves his mesh feeder….try frozen blueberries! They're great for teething…just make sure shes naked 🙂
messy food pictures are just so much fun!! I know my mom has a great one of me with spaghetti o's everywhere…. hehehehexoxo,Bonnie
Oh my gosh Kingston loved those when he was teething bad awhile back! I should pull it out again!! She is soo cute. I bet you take so many pictures of her, I would she is a doll.I vote for you everyday for that contest! I hope you win. 🙂
My guy LOVES this this thing! I love those pictures!
I love these shots and did you see that new challenge I posted on my blog…one of those shots is perfect for it.
Awwww.Hehehe, I love her. Covered with food and all. 😀
oh awesome, wyatt loved that thing. i think i should try it again with him…