In a Yellow House: Trees
Touch Up Tuesday:
After take 2:
After take 3 (Can be customized in my Etsy shop):
I did a little tutorial on how to carve into a tree using photoshop. Click here if you’d like to try this out. Or, you can click here for me to create this for YOU for a very nice price. 🙂 I posted this on my new photo community blog. It’s in the VERY early stages. But, please give it a follow if you would love to join in my photo community.

Love this take on the "trees" theme. Very creative!
ohhhh cool bark… but how even cooler is the burnt bark. Love it! excellent submission!!
Nice capture! I love tree textures.
Very cool photos/edits! Popping by from Communal Global! 🙂
I LOVE the bark! Especially the first edit!
I love reading your blog because it is always creative and inspiring… And let's be honest… you have one really cute baby who is very photogenic!Beautiful picture!
What fun edits! That picture would make for great texture overlays. 🙂
Very cool tutorial. Yet another reason my easy to use digital camera and I LOVE Sweet Shot Tuesday. 🙂 Thank you!
Very nice!
a great, creative close-up!
Very cool! Great job.
Such great edits!!!!! Those would seriously make fantastic cards!!!
You're so creative and I love it.
Wowza! That is so cool! What a great idea. You are such an out of the box thinker! LOVE it!
WOA…it just kept getting cooler and cooler! (And I don't mean cool in color; I mean cool in awesomeness!) What an original and creative edit – I absolutely love it. Thanks so much for sharing. It's a great one! 🙂