Happy Father’s Day Gift: Bacon Infused Vodka!

bacon vodka // thepapermama.com

Father’s Day is this weekend, and I thought you all may need a last minute gift idea for the dad in your life. Here you go: Bacon Infused Vodka. You’re welcome. Maybe.

Bacon Infused Vodka

Recipe adapted from Instructables.com.

Supplies Needed:

– 1 bottle of vodka

– 1 package of bacon

– Large glass jar

– Mesh strainer

– Cheesecloth and/or coffee filters


bacon vodka // thepapermama.com

1. Cut the bacon into equal sized pieces (I chose 1 – 2 inch sizes).

bacon vodka // thepapermama.com

2. Cook up your bacon in a frying pan, until nice and crispy.

bacon vodka // thepapermama.com

3. Dump ALL of the bacon and grease into the jar. All of it. That’s your bacon flavor.

bacon vodka // thepapermama.com

4. Pour the whole bottle of vodka over the bacon in the jar.

5. That should cool down the bacon, but if it’s still a bit too hot let the jar cool for a few minutes.

6. When the jar feels roomish temperature, pop it into the freezer for at LEAST 4 hours. Yup. If it can sit in there longer (overnight or a couple days), that’s better.

7. Pull the jar out of the freezer. Use a spoon to scoop out all the fat that floated up to the top.

8. Place the mesh strainer over another bowl/jar and slowly strain out the bacon. You can keep this bacon for later. WARNING: It tastes like bacon soaked in vodka. Ha!

9. You’ll notice there are still little fat globules floating around in the liquid, use the cheese cloth to strain that out a few times.

10. After you got most of the larger fat pieces out, pour the liquid through a coffee filter multiple times. You’re looking for a liquid you can see through. It will probably be a bit yellow (cause bacon).

11. Optional: Put the vodka BACK in the freezer overnight, strain in a coffee filter again.

12. Store in your freezer and enjoy! You’ll notice after time that some more fat will still settle at the bottom of your jar. If that bothers you, just run it though another filter and store in a different jar.

bacon vodka // thepapermama.com

This stuff tastes like bacon vodka. Yeah, that’s right. I mean: it really tastes like bacon and vodka. What I’m trying to say: if you try this out, you really need to like bacon and vodka. OOooooor, just use this in your weekend Bloody Mary. Bacon. Vodka.

– Chelsey


  • arlene on said:

    Had this at a Michael Smith charity dinner….on fresh PEI oysters. Out of this world!

  • mvrck87 on said:

    Well i guess that's not a gift from a 5 year old, but fathers day or not i've got to get on this one!

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