No asbestos for me!


Yes! Last week I mentioned my concern about the flooring UNDER my entryway tile. The ugly pink tile I see EVERY day I walk into my home. I want to tear that tile out of there! I’m tired of looking at it, but before I went crazy and tore up the floor I needed to make sure I wasn’t opening up a nest of asbestos. Yup. We have a 90 year old house and I just don’t know what’s under there.

SO, I sent in a sample of all layers of the entryway + samples of the 3 layers of vinyl (yeah, that’s 3 layers of vinyl) OVER hardwood in the kitchen (three layers of vinyl!) for some asbestos testing. It was the longest wait EVER. 4 days of waiting. I got the results of the tests on Friday…

No asbestos detected! Zip. Zero. Nada. OMG. What a weight off my shoulders!

I’m so happy. I just worried about it all week. Not only is it not safe… but it’s super expensive to get it safely and professionally removed. The husband and I had prepared for the worst. I wasn’t really worried about the entryway, but I was almost convinced that the kitchen had asbestos. 3 layers of vinyl with blackish glue… all signs pointed to yes. BUT, nope. We are good.

A few people were curious about where I sent in my samples. It’s a lab here in Oregon. They were very nice and a pretty great price. JSE Labs. I recommend them if you’d like to do some testing of your house. You can call them about all the pricing. The more days you wait for the results, the cheaper the price. They told me they will take samples from pretty much anywhere.

So yeah, I had a great weekend. No worries here! Anyone want to come over with a sledge hammer and take out my entryway floor? Ha! I’m ready to do this. How was your weekend?

– Chelsey


  • pinkbears on said:

    Ah! So scary! My Grandpa is probably going to die from Asbestos-related cancer (he worked with it with his bare hands when he was younger, before they really knew what it did), and I know a woman closely who died of asbestos-related cancer and they have no idea where or when she came into contact with it, because even a tiny bit can poison you – if you think you have it somewhere again, don't even cut it out yourself – that stuff's scary, seriously!

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      Seriously! I'm so sorry about your grandpa. That stuff is NASTY. 🙁

  • Sarah on said:

    Personally, I love demolition and I've totally done floors before and once while super pregnant. However, I have to work tomorrow. Oh yeah, and I live in San Diego. Shoot.

  • Gabby on said:

    Ah! Good news! I'm excited for you. I can't wait to be done with rentals/military housing and have my own place that I can take a sledgehammer to, as well. Have fun 🙂

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      It's sort of bitter sweet. I love not renting… but I miss calling the landlord to fix things for free. 😉

  • Crystalyn on said:

    I want so bad to rip up the ugly green tile in our kitchen. It drives me crazy!

  • Chloe Moon on said:

    I would have never have thought to detect for Absestos! What a really smart idea! Good for you being Asbestos free and best wishes with the new tile! =)

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