Homemade Peanut Butter Recipe

Homemade Peanut Butter Recipe

I made peanut butter! AND, no… it’s not peanuts and a stick of butter mixed together. It’s just peanuts! Really, just peanuts and a wee pinch ‘o salt. My daughter absolutely loved it. So much. I gave her about 5 spoonfuls, with raisins sprinkled on top.

I’d LOVE to share how I made this with you.

Homemade Peanut Butter


– 1 pound of roasted peanuts (I used unsalted, you can use salted if you’d like)

– 1 pinch of salt (optional)


Toss the peanuts into a food processor. AND, process those peanuts until they are creamy. Β This took me about 5 minutes. Then, I tasted the peanut butter… it seemed like it needed a bit of salt, so I threw in a pinch. Blended. Finished. I guess some people like to add peanut oil, but I didn’t need to. I googled a bit, and found homemade peanut butter should be stored in a fridge (up to 2 months).

Cost: $4.50 for 1 pound of peanuts (purchased in bulk)

How perfect would this be in a little jar as a gift? Nah… I think I’ll just eat it.

– Chelsey

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  • ericadhouse on said:

    I love and hate you for this.

    Peanut butter is the bane of my existence!

  • Sara on said:

    this is awesome!! gonna have to try it!! πŸ™‚

  • Kacie on said:

    I had no idea it was that easy! WHAT? I use so much peanut butter. Gwynnie can't get enough (in her hair). Crazy. Thanks for sharing!


    • The Paper Mama on said:

      It is so simple! R it's it like crazy (she's addicted). πŸ™‚

  • Mariana on said:

    Oh, I will try to make this, too! πŸ™‚

  • lifeislovee on said:

    Awesome! I'm going to give this a try! I made my first batch of jam recently, it was delicious! Now I just need to make my own bread for a fully homemade PB&J πŸ™‚

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